I haven't been offered Vitamin D by the NHS so I did Google search and this came up: nhs.uk/conditions/coronavir... The page says: Use this service to get free daily vitamin D supplements if you're at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) from coronavirus (COVID-19). So I've filled in my info and fingers crossed I'll receive four months' supply in January.
Vitamin D from the NHS: I haven't been offered... - MPN Voice
Vitamin D from the NHS

Hi Hat3 Yes me too.... fingers crossed 🤞
My gp stopped my prescription of vitamin d said the goverenment were not supporting it anymore and i would have to buy my own
I tried to register as high risk on the Gov.uk website but it wouldn't let me as I am only in Tier 2. I shall try your NHS link, thanks for sharing it.
UPDATE: I just tried it but I have to get a GP letter first. Too much faff!
Around 3 years ago my GP and MPN clinic both advised me to take vitamin D due to taking Hydroxycarbamide and covering up from sun and also spending lot of time indoors. There was no question of nhs providing it and I think of it as one of those occasional but necessary supermarket items. I buy my Aspirin there too but at the checkout the scanner pings and the purchase has to be authorised. No problem with the vitamin D.
Thanks for the link. I have filled it in but of course, inevitably, I placed an order for a years supply on Amazon last night!! The good new is that a years supply (400 x 1000iu tablets) cost less than £7, so for anyone who cannot get the NHS offer, all is not lost.Cheers, and keep safe everyone