Esomeprazole while on blood thinners: Hi, has... - MPN Voice

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Esomeprazole while on blood thinners

Lifam profile image
27 Replies

Hi, has anyone taking Nexium (Esomeprazole) while on blood thinner clopidergrel? I've learned that interacts with blood thinners but I have indigestion problem lately (had hiatus hernia in the past), and my GP wanted me to try Esomeprazole for 2 weeks and see if it helps. I am just a bit worried and not sure. Appreciate if anyone taking this while on blood thinners. Thank you.

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Lifam profile image
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27 Replies
piggie50 profile image

Hi Lifam,

I have a hiatus hernia and take Lansoprazole with clopidogrel. A few years ago I was on omoperazole and when I went to the pharmacy for anti histamines he asked what drugs I took. He said Omoperazole inhibits the efficiency of Clopidogrel and to speak to my GP. She checked in her book and said, yes, he’s right and changed me to Lansoprazole.

I mentioned it when I next saw my Heamatologist and he said, Clopidogrel is quite strong and it really wouldn’t make a difference. They are all PPI’s I really don’t understand why they all differ? Maybe check with your Heam to be sure.


Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to piggie50

Thank you so much. My GP us aware of that but she said it only make the clopidergrel less effective, also she just want me to take the 40mg dose for 3 weeks. I am very concerned about the interaction. Thanks so much again.

piggie50 profile image

P.S. I’ve been taking both for the last 8 years, no problem.

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to piggie50

Thanks, knowing that makes me feel more relief.

Swede profile image

Hi,I have taken Clopidogrel (antiplatelet tabs) and Omeprazole since 2008. No problems so far.

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to Swede

Thank you, mine is Esomeprazole, are they all the same effect on blood thinners?

wotan10 profile image

Greetings from Fleetwood England.

I have been on the antacid revenue since I was diagnosed with Diabetis and ET came later. It works for me. Keep safe and carry on.

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to wotan10

Thank you for your input, it really relax me a great deal, not stressed with it anymore. Thanks again.

MCW22 profile image

I normally take ranitadine but it has been unavailable for the last couple of months and it was substituted with omeprazole. I refuse to take it or any other ppi medication due to the risk of fractures. I have already had 2 spinal fractures which I had suspected were due to the PV. My last MRI report actually states osteopenic fractures from polycythaemia. I also have peptac on prescription for the heartburn and hiatus hernia so I am just managing with that at the moment . I wasn't aware of the effects of omeprazole on Clopidogrel, so that's even more of a reason for me not to take it.


Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to MCW22

Sorry to hear so much happening to you, I really hope you'll feel better soon❤️

Meatloaf9 profile image
Meatloaf9 in reply to MCW22

HI, my wife has severe osteoporosis and was told that PPI's and a low Vitamin D level likely contributed to the disease, just fyi. Good luck to you.

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to Meatloaf9

Thank you so much.

Bridie123 profile image

I used to but doctor said they don't mix so switched it to Pantoprazole

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to Bridie123

Thank you. I'll mention that to my GP too, appreciate so much help from all of you and that gives me more idea now. Thanks.

Camelian profile image

I'm prescribed lansoprazol which I've been taking daily for a few weeks because I have had some stomach acid problems which I have suffered periodically over the years but only took lansoprazol on a if needed basis. As well as aspirin I'm prescribed another medication that which increases the risk of a stomach bleed so my GP has advice me to take the lansoprazol daily to protect my stomach however although I'm taking them as suggested I'm aprrehensive for the reason mentioned above. My heomotologist has suggested taking clopidogrel instead of aspirin and I was hoping this med would be more gentle on the stomach I could stop the lansoprazol but I see people are still prescribed lansoprazol even when taking clopidogrel? Can anyone tell me the benefits to taking clopidogrel as oppose to aspirin and are there any side effects from clopidogrel?

Many thanks

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to Camelian

I was first given aspirin, but I stopped the first week as it hurt my stomach so much(I have hiatus hernia history)so my haematologist changed me to clopidergrel which doesn't hurt the stomach at all, in that respect it's far better than aspirin. I only take anti acid medicine when I have no choice.

ciye profile image
ciye in reply to Camelian

I take clopidogrel as aspirin gives me blisters in my mouth and upsets my stomach.

Wyebird profile image

Hi I’m on clopidogrel also. I take lanzoprazole for indigestion. I’m under one of the top heamos in the country. She doesn’t have an issue with it neither do I.

Good luck

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to Wyebird

Thank you. It seems the majority is taking lanzoprazle or pantoprazole etc instead of Esomeprazole, I will definitely talk to my GP. Thanks again, all of your response really helps me a lot.

hunter5582 profile image

I took them together for many years with no issues. My docs had no concern about the combo. Given how severe the damage from GERD can be, any risks of Nexium are well worth the benefits. I used ePocrates to double check and it shows no significant interaction between Nexium and aspirin. While true that all proton pump inhibitors can inhibit absorption of some medications and nutrients, the damage to your GI system can be so significant that it is still the best choice - particularly while taking aspirin as the aspirin can also cause GI damage.

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to hunter5582

Thank you so much, I definitely feel more relief now.

azaelea profile image

I've been put on Lansoprazole for last 2 weeks and taken off Aspirin because of a suspected bleed in upper intestines. However I am suffering dreadful diarrhoea and cramps which can be a side effect of Lansoprazole so I have stopped it today to see if it goes away. I have also gone back on to Hydroxy after a few months which affected bowels before. Has anyone else suffered these bowel problems? Fran

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to azaelea

Sorry that you're having a bad run. I have been on Hydrea exactly 12 month today, I remember I did have diarrhoea on and off the first 2 weeks but no more problems since. Hope thing work out for you soon.

JaK2ET profile image
JaK2ET in reply to azaelea

When first diagnosed with ET in February 2019 I was put on Aspirin 75mg EC and the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) Lansoprazole, to reduce the risk of gastro-intestinal damage that might be caused by the daily Aspirin (which I always take with or just after a stodgy brunch meal). Things were not too bad for several weeks but then I went to a regular medical screening appointment and may have picked up a gut infection; I seemed to struggle to recover from this infection and continued to have very loose bowels, including one disgusting "accident" that wrecked my 2019 Easter Sunday! (I have mild OCD and am pretty fastidious!)

I experimented with stopping and starting the medications and eventually stopped both altogether as this seemed to be the only way to get rid of these side effects. Meanwhile I did some research online about PPIs and became concerned about problems that may be associated with taking them long term. (After stopping the Lansoprazole I noticed one benefit almost straight away: a reduction in "brain fogginess" ... ) Fortunately I now had only a week or so to wait until my next appointment with the haematologist, who then suggested a switch to an older type of medication and asked my GP to prescribe the histamine-2 receptor (H2) antagonist Ranitidine (Zantac) to replace the Lansoprazole.

Shortly after commencing this new regime (Aspirin as before plus Ranitidine twice a day) I had two good days, when I felt properly "well" for the first time in a few years ... but perhaps that was just a happy coincidence. It did not last and after some weeks I began to get the loose bowel problems again. Once more I stopped everything, as I didn't want to continue the Aspirin without any GI protection; I was aware of a slight risk here as my platelets were then in the 800s area and my next appointment with the haematologist had been put back and was several weeks away. When it eventually came he suggested that I try reducing the Ranitidine to just one daily, taken at night. That regime has worked for me since, even after chemotherapy with Hydroxycarbamide was added early this year. (I think it may also have helped that I made a small change to my diet, cutting out the concentrated natural orange juice that the milkman used to deliver in a glass bottle with the milk bottles.)

I hope that everyone finds a medication regime to suit them and get rid of any bowel problems. Good luck!

Lifam profile image
Lifam in reply to JaK2ET

I totally agree with you. As for myself my stomach cannot tolerate aspirin at all so I was changed to clopidergrel which doesn't hurt the stomach at all

Anyway I have been on 40mg Nexium for 2 weeks and has improved, GP suggested to keep going for another 4 weeks then will reduce Nexium dosage. A good diet definitely help, I have been following principal of the Mediterranean diet and that really helps a lot.

azaelea profile image

Thank you.

ciye profile image

I take landlords it's easier on the tummy, though neither meds should be taken long term according to my gp.

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