Has anyone taken Antibiotics while on Hydroxycarbamide … Would appreciate any information ..
antibiotics while on Hydroxycarbamide: Has anyone... - MPN Voice
antibiotics while on Hydroxycarbamide

Hi yes I’m on them constantly because of asthma and utis
Would be a good idea to take probiotics after antibiotics.
Optibac do a special one .

hi Kilmichael, if you are taking any medication, either for your MPN or any other medical condition it is always advisable to ask the person prescribing anti-biotics if there are any contra-indications with other medications, you can also ask the pharmacist to check this for you as well. Best wishes, Maz

I ve been on HU for 15 years - I had bucket loads of antibiotics for pneumonia a couple of months ago.
As Maz says best to check for contraindications. I would highly recommend that you take a good probiotic that ensures the cultures reaches your gut in live condition
I take ‘every day extra ‘ from Optibac as well as their “ immune support”. If the antibiotics cause thrush they also produce a probiotic to help with this.
This company has helpful nutritionists that will answer any questions you have.
Hope that helps
Best wishes Louise
It is always best to review potential interactions with the prescriber and/or pharmacist. Some docs will not be familiar with hydroxycarbamide but can easily check against the drug they are prescribing. You can also check yourself using resources like these.
Yes my wife has now been on hydroxycarbamide and Anagrelide and penicillin for five years now, the reason being, she has MF and had a Splenectomy.
Yes I have a few times and no trouble at all x
Hi, yes I have had antibiotics with hydroxy with no problems. I eat natural yogurt every day and I think this probably helps.