Been wondering - would there be any interest in getting an MPN virtual hang out - together? Not exactly sure about how it would work, but I know there have been so many times when I would love to see and talk to others in my same /similar diagnosis. With all the covid-19 stuff happening, many groups that I'm a part of, have gone virtual, and it has opened opportunities to connect with others I would have never had a chance to. If this is something any of you are interested in, we could put together some ideas on discussion topics and I'd be happy to schedule and something. (i.e. first session, depending on size, could be very simple - 1) introductions - (Name, general location, diagnosis) 2) What is something new you have learned or done while in shelter in place? THE GOAL OF THE HANGOUTS - making time for connecting and learning more about others with similar diagnosis's. We could also take topic requests and invite reliable / educated speakers to join in from time to time? Would love to hear your thoughts?
MPN - Virtual Hang out / get together? - MPN Voice
MPN - Virtual Hang out / get together?

Hi Jenn, have you seen my post about the webinar we are holding next week
Hi - yes. I signed up for it. I’m going to try to attend- my time zone is PST as I’m in California. I was curious to try something interactive - truly finding some way for us to talk together - virtually. I recognize it could be tough .. but even if it started as small groups - would be great to meet some of these people /friends face to face - virtually.
I would be interested in this.
I'm interested.
I would be interested as well. Good idea.
I would love to catch up and meet up virtually. It's good to connect with people in the same situation as me.
Ok..sounds like we might have some interest in creating a Zoom community - and having a chance to meet and connect face to face - virtually! I'll set up a meeting post the details
Hi - I have set up a meeting link for this Thursday 4/30 - but I'm not sure how to post the details as this site recommends we don't share anything to identify us personally. However, the whole goal of this is to make some personal connections with people with same or similar condition. Any ideas on how I can share the meeting link with others while still be compliant with the rules of this site?
I think you can do it in Skype too and just paste URL link here so we can all access it and again it won't show email. I'll try and work it out tomorrow but if Maz can help first then great. I'm used to using SKype for business and don't have to think about the anonymity ! Sorry not to be too helpful
Point to mention is Skype for business is a different platform from Skype and they don’t talk to each other. Unless Skype have updated this in the last 6months.
Yes wasn't looking at Skype for business as you need to pay for that. You can create a URL link and send it to people and do it that way. But if we have Zoom With Zoom set up may as well stick with it - with free version you can only talk for 40 minutes then get cut off. You can restart again though if it goes of for longer.
Sorry all did I miss this? Been feeling rough today. Bad nights sleep so fell asleep at 1 and only woke up 30 mins ago! Why is sleep so elusive - or is it just me? That and itchy skin I'm constantly feeling itch round my back and stomach!