I recently had a crisis of confidence in the care my husband (who has PV) was getting. The nurse in charge of his case left the clinic and there seemed to be no replacement who knew what was going on. Happily, the nurse came back (he’s a hero...) and all is well.
So, I thought I’d share on here what happens, so that others could ask for a similar set up.
We live in the Outer Hebrides, so obviously there is not going to be a haematologist in the vicinity! Our GP referred hubby to mainland hospital haematology department (Raigmore, Inverness). Initially he went off island and saw the haem but after that he is cared for by a specialist nurse who checks his blood results and decided when he needs venesections, a new blood test (done locally and sent off) and medication. The nurse emails or phones and we can contact him any time. The nurse will consult with the haem at Raigmore who knows most about MPNs and the really reassuring bit is that apparently the haems at Raigmore are also in touch with the MPN specialist in Glasgow if needs be. So at the moment my husband and I have the all important CONFIDENCE in the management and monitoring of his PV. Surely this model could be achievable in other health boards too. How does this compare with other situations?