Got a second look from an mpn specialist yesterday here in Houston, TX and I am glad I took Hunter’s advice. I was happy with my hemo but just couldn’t get behind the idea of taking hydrea for 30+ years (God willing.)
I was told that if treatment ever becomes indicated for me, interferons would be a better fit for me considering my age and relative good health. I was also informed of many new trials (some of which my new hemonc is leading) which made me feel like I will have options!
I turn 39 in a couple weeks (ET CALR) and have been pretty asymptomatic one year after diagnosis. I know I am lucky to have the medical center in Houston so close by but if you’re unsatisfied or having second thoughts about seeing a specialist do not hesitate.
I know this isn’t any breaking news but wanted to share something positive. Hope everyone is getting along well.