Blood test: How are people getting a blood test... - MPN Voice

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Blood test

Sweetlucy profile image
17 Replies

How are people getting a blood test? In London it's telephone consultations only My GP surgery is also telephone consultations only. Last time a district nurse came to my house and took blood. She had not been tested for Corona virus. She wore a mask and surgical gloves, covered her shoes but still wore her coat. When she left I disinfected everything, showered and put my clothes in the washing machine. I can't face going through this again.

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Sweetlucy profile image
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17 Replies
piggie50 profile image

I have monthly blood tests and had mine done at home yesterday. She wore, mask, visor, gloves, apron and shoe covers. No coat. She didn’t touch any door handles or me, other than to insert the needle. I felt totally safe.

friendofpiglet profile image

I had my blood test on Tuesday at my local cottage hospital. There was me, the receptionist and the phlebotomist the only people around. The poor phlebotomist was masked but not to Darth Vader standards, I asked whether she had been tested - she said no and they were only testing people showing symptoms. That strikes me as pretty short sighted!

Anyway, it was at least nice to have a real rather than virtual conversation with a real person.


Jlah profile image

I’ve been asked to go to back foot of hospital. Shout to the receptionist then go back to car and wait for someone to collect me - little anxious about going into the hospital but I dont think they would expose us.

Superwoman profile image

I had my bloods done at the hospital on the 25th March, had to press button to gain entry to unit, seats were placed the relevant distance but was in immediately, but amazed as nurses had no face masks on, just gloves and uniform, no weighing after bloods were done just legged it out the same way I came in, be time I got home which was about half an hour, my Haematologist called, for telephone conversation, all my bloods had spiked asked me if I was taking my Hydroxycarbamide and Aspirin, which obviously I was, he then said that it indicated I had an infection and asked me how my health had been this last three months, to which I replied that both my husband and I had what we thought were just really severe colds for the last month, never felt so rough, he went into more detail about how I was feeling, and suggested that could of been the cause, but within an hour my chemo nurse called to have a chat, I was rather surprised but she said, they felt that just maybe we had both had Covid 19 mildly and would never know unless tested for it, well if that was Covid 19, god help those people who have it badly. It’s only now we have started to feel better.

Now have to go back in May for more bloods to be done, presume it will be be the same procedure in quickly and Telephone conversation, only hope they have masks on this time.


catkinspolymer profile image
catkinspolymer in reply to Superwoman

Hi super woman ,having mine done today, My wife and I have also felt very rough since the beginning of March, any idea what in your blood spiked,.

Town Crier

Sweetlucy profile image

Can a phlebotomy be done at the kitchen table? My haematocrit has risen so repeat test required. I've also developed some complaint called Erythema nodosum. An infection under the skin. Add that to sciatica and I'm not coping.

Kari1961 profile image

I had my blood test at my local surgery on Tuesday - I was the only person in the waiting area and the door was kept open. The nurse wore full PPE, gloves, mask, apron, glasses and visor and only came near to me to insert the needle in my hand.... I was dreading it, but needn't have as I felt very safe. I have a video consultation on Monday 20th with my consultant. :)

Dodders profile image

I was able to have blood tests done yesterday at my local haematology clinic here in Shrewsbury hospital instead of at the QE in Birmingham. I have had to travel to B'ham since last June as that is where I had my stem cell transplant. I will have a telephone consultation next week with one of the B'ham consultants to discuss the results including a chimerism blood test. The Shrewsbury clinic was quiet. All the staff I saw had PPE except for one Dr. The phlebotomist told me that they wear a looser fitting mask than those working in the 'red zone'. I was slightly anxious but glad I didn't have to drive to B'ham.

isimmy profile image

Got a letter earlier this week saying that my consultation, arranged for April 30th, is to take place by telephone, but that I would be required to have my blood tests done at the hospital a few days prior to the consultation.

I was more than a little apprehensive at the prospect of travelling 20 miles to attend the hospital solely for blood tesst. I therefore contacted the secretary of my consultant, who said that if I could arrange it with my GP Practice I could have the blood tests done at the GP surgery, providing they emailed or faxed the results to her prior to my consultation.

Still slightly apprehensive of visiting the GP surgery, but far less so than the prospect of travelling to attend hospital.

Loobylou72 profile image

I was same as isimmy , my hospital appointments are in London but I live in Reading. I was able to do my bloods at my local GP surgery and then they sent the results to London. There was literally only me, receptionist and nurse there and she did look a little Darth Vader, but it was all good. My last three blood tests have been at local GP: I just had bone marrow biopsy so had to come off Warfarin and take Heparin and then transition back. Looks like it's starting to stabilise out now. Lou

Mal42 profile image

Hi SweetLucy, I have 2 consultants who were undecided about what risk was greater, going to have a blood test (in my case at very local gps) or not having one and the possible consequences. They were supposed to get together and decide before this tuesday when I was due for a blood test. My local consultant was on holiday for 2 weeks and I hadn't heard from London, so on the advice of the haemo nurse I went nervously to docs on tues all masked up, only to find the nurse was off sick. I have a phone consultation with local haem on monday. so more info then.

good luck


Sweetlucy profile image
Sweetlucy in reply to Mal42

My GP is telephone consultation only. No blood tests.

Wyebird profile image

I went to the gp surgery after speaking to nurse who asked me questions about my health. She asked if I could attend an earlier appointment. The desk was unmanned. I had to ring a bell. The receptionist appeared 2 metres away. I was told to take a seat and wait. The nurse came wearing a mask gloves and a plastic apron. I asked if people had cancelled to which she replied they were only doing essential blood tests. A copy has gone to my heamo. I will get telephone consultation next week.

Jazzyb50 profile image

Just a thought, as I know how worrying it must have been for you last time, do you have a garden where the nurse could take your blood? Maybe it would be safer in the open air. I'm in Sheffield and they have just opened a drive thru marquee for blood tests (not for Covid 19) purely for outpatients needing regular blood tests. I hope I am eligible to use this service on 6th May. Take care xx

Sweetlucy profile image
Sweetlucy in reply to Jazzyb50

I'd thought of that. The front garden near the dustbin would be better so she doesn't have to walk through the house. It would at least amuse any stray passers by. I've just read via govt. Website we have to be shielded until end of June.

swimswam profile image

I was contacted yesterday by my GP secretary saying I was due a blood test before my telephone consultation with hospital Haem. nurse. My surgery is being used as a suspected Covid-19 Centre, so I couldn’t go there and apparently I live outside my GP’s catchment area, so they couldn’t send one of their nurses, ( I’ve been at the same surgery for 30 years and never been told this before!) In the end I suggested I contacted my local small hospital to see if I could go there. The hospital informed me that if my GP sent an email to the community phlebotomy team they could send someone to my house. Phoned back my GP and was told they could only do this if I knew which blood tests I needed. Fortunately I was able to tell them from the blood form sent from Haem. Nurse, so now awaiting a home visit. Would have actually preferred to have risked going to the hospital, but told that as I’m shielded I shouldn’t be going out. At least I’m not bored seemed to have spent most of last week trying to sort out getting a shielding letter, being included on supermarket lists, and obtaining a blood test!

Garstongal profile image

I have telephone consultations ordinarily anyway, but I was due a new blood test last week. Because my bloods have been very stable, they have postponed them for a couple of months.

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