Hi everyone, just wondering if any members experience nausea/sickly feeling, I was diagnosed last October and still struggling with this feeling nauseous feeling all the time, can anyone recommend anything that I could do to eliminate this old feeling?? Thanks in advance. Phyllis xx
Nausea: Hi everyone, just wondering if any members... - MPN Voice

Hi Phyllis, sorry to hear you’re suffering from nausea. For the first few months (maybe 6 months) after diagnosis I remember feeling constantly dizzy and nauseous. I remember describing it to my doctor as constant morning sickness. I still don’t know what it was due to. At the beginning I had numerous venesections which I did not react well to. I was glad I needed them less as the Pegasys started to kick in and my blood levels began to normalize. At the time my doctor suggested it might be stress and I think there was some truth in that. Looking back on that period it was unbelievably stressful. Now, two years on and that time seems like a bad dream. I can honestly say I feel great most of the time. Once you get your treatment sorted out and come to terms with what it means to have a chronic illness you will start to feel a lot better. I wish you all the best.
Hi Marossi,
Thank you so so much for your reply to my post, I was starting to think I was imagining this nauseous feeling and yes it feels just like morning sickness which would be a miracle since I'm 69 years of age 😂😂. I look forward to the time when I wake in the morning (& throughout the day) when I don't have this horrible feeling. My hematologist has even suggested sickness may be due to me having a hiatus hernia (I'm not convinced). Anyway thanks again for your reply, makes me feel bit better that someone else has experienced same thing. I wish you well.
Phyllis x
Hi Phyllis-What you are feeling could be severe anxiety-I have ET diagnosed Sept 2019-
and am not on any drugs at the moment except aspirin-(waiting to see the 'man' on 22nd/1)-I was invited to dinner and had to come home because I felt very nauseous indeed)! There are pills for nausea Metoclopramide(which I use-sometimes)! I may have the same feeling as yourself-as I said it could be anxiety!!Some days appetite isn't good -other days fine!!
Try drinking turmeric /peppermint tea-may help you.
Best wishes
Ratton 726
Hi, I really hope your symptoms improve soon. I regularly have this, they're not sure if it's my PV or my life being too busy (Who isn't busy) and causing anxiety. Could also be a little of both. I was diagnosed 7 years ago and had symptoms before this. I'm now trying to slow down and say no when asked to organize things. Had a bout earlier this week and rested as much as I could instead of carrying on as normal. It didn't stop the symptoms but they weren't so bad and only a couple of days. I'm thinking it could be a little if both. All the best and have some rest. X
Hi Phyllis, I've been on Hydrea & Aspirin for ET since 2004. Nausea and other gastric issues have been a constant problem for many years. Last year had a gastroscopy and discovered I did have a hiatus hernia! Was prescribed omeprazole and all nausea/acid reflux issues disappeared!
So don't rule it out, it may be worth asking for a referral.
Hope that helps
Hi PeterET
Thanks for your reply on my nausea, I'm already taking meds for stomach ulcer and hernia (been taking before diagnosed with ET) so I'm not really sure if my nausea is caused by stomach probs or ET. It's quite debilitating when I can't do stuff I used to be able to because of this old sickly feeling and fatigue also. Anyway thanks for your reply.
Phyllis xx
Hello Phyllis. I have ET JAK2+ diagnosed in mid-2018 but as it was discovered I had breast cancer and had a Lumpectomy followed by Radiotherapy they took me off Hydroxy for a few months after Radiotherapy as it might have had bad effects. Saw another Haematologist when they eventually sent for me in March '19 when I went back on Hydroxy and yes,I did get nausea, pains in my tum as the day wore on and felt thoroughly awful. On looking back through my diary I have several periods when I have stopped taking Hydroxy for a week or so and felt better and I am still struggling with this to date. When I last saw Haemo at beginning of December my platelets had risen from 470 to 600 in a fortnight since previous blood test, so advised to go back on my 500 mg Hydroxy as I had stopped again after awful nausea when I had 'Flu in November. Each time I try to go back on HU I get bad tummy's and next thing I'm suffering is diarrhoea . Don't know if connected or not as I also suffer diverticulitis (I know, I'm a walking disaster!) Nurse has given me antibiotics to hopefully settle inflammation down and I had two days of Hydroxy, and bad tum and diarrhoea back today, but thankfully without the nausea! So, goodness knows what these medications cause . I know lots of us on here have no problems with Hydroxy which controls their MPN very well but there a few who cannot cope with side effects. Hope you feel better soon and can find an answer. Regards Fran
Well, in a way it's heartening to find so many of you suffering this nauseous problem. It got so bad with me I had to pull out of the choir for a carol concert. I have ET and take hydroxy. My wife, who I've been a carer for many years is now in a nursing home and with all the settling in problems etc, my anxiety levels have been off the scale. Earlier last year my diverticulitis went OTT with peritonitis and A&E. A not to be recommended experience. So anxiety relieving must be top of your list! When someone comes up with a solution, please let me know!
Michael x