Swollen hands and feet, why? I can't seem to get my ring off my hand, very unusual for me. And my feet hurt. I was just wondering if any one else has experienced this. I've got ET. What to do?
Is swollen hands and feet mpn-related? - MPN Voice
Is swollen hands and feet mpn-related?

Hi Bohus, I have been wondering why my feet also are swollen, and hurt around ankles and toes. Feels, tight. 🤔
I have PV. Not on any meds at moment, was on Hydroxycarbamide.
Good morning
My feet are always swollen now, they look more like puddings every day. This should be checked out though because everything should not automatically be contributed to an MPN. You may need some water tablets to help reduce some of the excess fluid.
Get it checked to be on the safe side but I think you will find a number of people here have a similar problem xx
Erythromelalgia can occur with ET. Edema can occur as a side effect of hydroxyurea. So the swelling may be related to the ET or its treatment (if you are taking HU). Certainly something to follow up with the hemo-doc since it is bothersome.
Happy New Year all!! Hi Bohus. Yes I have swollen hands and pain in my feet. This is a recurring theme for viits to the GP. I have PV and am on coipidogrel and statins following diagnosis after a stroke in Feb 2018 (previously on Hydroxicarbomide but stopped due to peripheral neuropathy in fingers and toes. Have previously been to a consultant for my hands but he said prob water retention due to having to be well hydrated and nothing to be done. They just don't know really. On a recent visit to GP, I asked could it be arthritis as my mother had reumatoid arthritis. Having blood test and x ray on my left hand on 8/1/20 as its worse on that side but we will see
... not expecting to get answer really but you have to keep trying. Best wishes Catrin
If you are JAK2 positive it may be worth looking inti the role of inflammatory cytokine overload. Systemic inflammation can come from the mutation.