I said I would update after discussion with Prof Harrison about turmeric/curcumin. She was not aware of it’s reported potential effects on Jak stat pathway and said she had many patients taking it but it didn’t seem to be having much effect on CBC. This was my experience in fact when I took it for a while a couple of years ago. Jan x
Curcumin: I said I would update after discussion... - MPN Voice

Hi, I took it in quite high doses for a year and it made no difference. I too asked Prof Harrison and she said she knew some people take it but she did not think it had any affect on MPNs. I stopped taking it last summer and haven't seen any difference from when I was taking it. Best wishes, F
Thanks Jan
Did she comment on the increasedrisk of bleeding if also taking aspirin and fish oil?
I asked my Hem yesterday whether I could alternate days with the 75 mcg aspirin. He thought okay but my HCT about 0.45 so might wait for it to hopefully drop (on Pegasys)
Best Paul
No not that specifically. She just made the blanket comment that she had not seen any positive benefits in people who took it
Just an FYI it is now reported that fish oils are not good for us due to the amount of toxicity in our oceans and farming. I have read lots of things in different cancer books I am reading that you are better off cutting out the 'middle man' and going straight to source, algae, fish eat the algae so its better we just get oils from that not from the fish. Lots on the market just need to find a good quality one DHA and EPA Thought you might like to know. x

Hi surreygirl74, i think if we believed everything we heard or read in the media particularly we would be living on fresh air! Lol. Fish are a good source of omega3 and it is considered a 'brain food'. I think the best advice with all foods, everything in moderation will do no harm nor would the odd slice of cake.🍰🤪 it would be a miserable and stressfull life we lived otherwise! Atb, tina. Now where did i leave that packet of biscuits...
Excuse me I don't read the media... I am talking about reading scientific research in many books on the subject of cancer, I have bladder cancer too, and decided to study nutrition as sadly the medical profession don't get any training. Nothing wrong with balance I agree I love eating things that bring joy, life is about balance and being happy, but for me healthy is happy. However, I was merely explaining that omega 3 is better sourced directly from Algae which is brain food. That's a a no brainer

Thanks, I try to eat organic fish if possible in view of mercury, plastic and antibiotics etc
Will pay more attention to my fish oil supplements. I find they help re dry eyes
I hear you also I don't think organic means much in view of what's in the water and agree the plastic issue is another one I struggle with. I have found the algae in capsule form really useful and am also looking at other seaweed supplements after hearing great reviews from our cancer group on FB.

Hi surreygirl74, sorry if i offended you, it was meant tongue in cheek, i was merely pointing out that 1 study will say this and then another study will say exactly the opposite. That's why i believe everything in moderation is best and ignore studies. I have a laid back attitude and thats why it was tongue in cheek. Atb, tina🤗
I don't believe just one study I read a lot of stuff and only rely on highly respected authors or people who have no financial gain. I agree that it is confusing out there which is why I never believe anything in media not that I read anything in the media lol. It's ok to have a laid back attitude but a lot of people I know are "fighting' for their lives and so truth and knowledge is the difference between life and death when you have cancer. Your tongue in cheek was lost over text sadly. But I am glad that is what works for you. However, I was replying to Paul in the first instance - no harm done eh xxx

Agree totally with you, i was left fighting for my life in intensive care back in jan 2015 and that was before 2nd significant stroke in oct, the same year and most people said it was because of my attitude and fight. I sincerely wish you all the best as it shows we all have our own beliefs in doing things. Keep well. Atb, tina.🤗 x
wow good for you surviving two strokes x

Can you please recommend any brands?
I have recently just swapped from NothingFishy who I loved because they come in glass and offer a refill service to Vegan Vitality because VV is a new brand and local to me - although purchased via their website or Amazon as they have EPA as well as DHA and I was told this was better. I do also use flax seed which is also good but I feel safer having a supplement to make sure I get enough Omega 3. I also read that Nordic naturals do a good high strength one too.

Also hemp oil is a good substitute.
Thanks for the update Beetle. It was a question I forgot to ask Prof. Harrison last week.
Also depends what active ingredients are in the supplements, dosage and whether it comes from a reputable company. A lot of varying factors that are not taken into consideration. Also differentiating between studies for self gain and profiteering.