Had a few days of real bad bone pain, it’s keeping me awake and driving me nuts, what pain meds are people on. The doctor gave me CoDydramol but won’t prescribe it again as he says it’s addictive.
Pain Relief : Had a few days of real bad bone pain... - MPN Voice
Pain Relief

Have you had your vitamin D checked, also have a look at MSM Sulfur and bone pain.
medical marijuana may be helpful.....
My GP put me on codein phosphate which seems to work for me, but I am careful to limit usage as it can be addictive in large quantities. Recommended dose is 1-4 tablets 4x per day, but I limit it to 2 X 2 per day and not every day
I find Paracetamol at night a big help, it doe's not always work but I am reluctant to take anything stronger
Hi Raffles
It is very addictive and will stop working. I had a dreadful experience whilst caring for my late mother. Believe it or not, co-dydramol causes pain if taken long term. I managed to wean my mother off it and her pain subsided. Very strange drug.
If you read some of the dietary suggestions on this site, you will find some really good advice and effective diets that are working for others.
Personally I stick (as much as possible but do weaken, being human) to a low inflammatory diet. after reading about low GI however, I am pretty determined to give it a try, if I can learn enough to proceed.
As soon as I stray from my anti-inflammatory intake, I can feel the pain returning and I mean within a very short period of time.
Also take, beside other supplements, D3 sublingual spray (Better you). Hope this helps. ATB.
That’s really helpful, The doctor did say to ring back if I really felt I could not do without co-dydramol. I was just thinking about doing so this morning but after reading peoples messages on here I’ve decided not to. I’ll try ibuprofen and mindfulness relaxation. It’s just so hard concentrate when you are in pain all the time.
I know but we're not meant to take ibuprofen are we? Due to the blood thinning and certainly for me, raising blood pressure. Personally, I take paracetamol but as irregularly as possible. I tried to get back to my yoga and have failed for a month now. as soon as I start doing a few exercised daily, the pain subsides and the mind improves. Only problem I have now is the fatigue and inability to concentrate are winning. I'm permanently fatigued at present and really struggle to overcome it.
Of course, bone pain at night can be a big problem but occasionally, I take half a Kirkland Sleep Aid, which contains an antihistamine that relaxes muscles and send you to sleep very nicely.
Hi Raffles,
Sorry to read that you are suffering so much pain, it really must be annoying, especially at night. I do hope that the problem is able to be solved soon without having to take too greater additional burden of pills and potions! (It is frustrating how one drug seems to lead to a whole plethora of other ones! I have a biscuit tin full of pill bottles now, when only 3 or 4 years ago I never seemed to need any!). I seem to remember that you moved from Hydroxy to Peg Interferon quite recently, I wonder if side effects may get a little less in time when your body gets more used to the drug? Let's hope so!
Best Wishes,
Just had a thought after pressing the Reply button on my previous comment.. I wonder if low dose amitriptyline would help at all? I had a nasty back injury a few years ago, and had that at low dose for several months. I tended to think that the stuff wasn't doing much, until I finally stopped taking it and realized (ouch!!) how effective it had been. I think it works by modifying nerve signals, so pain signals are not transmitted so effectively. Only a low dose is needed for this. (In larger doses it is used as an antidepressant). With something like amitriptyline you might find it possible to get enough relief from Paracetamol as apposed to something more toxic. As I say, just a thought, I'm not a doctor!!