You know when you inject Pegasys, I was told to make sure there was no air bubbles in the liquid, but the nurse said it was ok that there was a bit of air at the end of the fluid? Is that correct, I thought if you got air in your injection it could be potentially life threatening.
Injecting Pegasys- Air Bubbles : You know when you... - MPN Voice
Injecting Pegasys- Air Bubbles

I think it’s because injecting into fatty tissue rather than blood stream.
I still try to get rid of the bubbles though!
What dosage regime are you following?
Best Paul
I’ve not noticed air bubbles in my Pegasys. In any case that should not a problem in subcutaneous injections, the problems occur when injecting in veins, which is not the case for us. Susana X
As others have said it’s probably less serious for subcutaneous injection but the patient leaflet still advises expelling the air first so I always do that.
It’s easy to do if you hold the syringe needle upwards, tap to get any air to the top and push gently until a drop of liquid comes out after the air.
Thanks guys, I’ll tap the injection next time and squeeze a bit out the top. Thanks for your help.
I think I accidentally did the same thing last week. (Weekly injection of 45 mcg Peg.) Last week I saw the bubble and tapped away but it didn’t really move. Saw a bit of foaming ( bubbling) at the site when I injected. It was all a bit wonky and made me nervous but all was well following. Will be more careful tomorrow.