As anyone on this forum who as et jak2 postive been diagnosed with raynauds phenomenom?
Et & raynauds phenomemon?: As anyone on this forum... - MPN Voice
Et & raynauds phenomemon?

yes, but had Reynaulds before I had mpn
Hi Tico
Yes, since being diagnosed with PV, I have Raynauds, but only in the forefinger of my right hand. All the best. Sandra
Hi,have u had any complications wiv ur pv?
Hi Tico,
No, I've had PV for almost 4 years and it's well controlled with 1 500mg tablet of Hydrea, Monday to Friday, plus a daily baby Aspirin and Allopurinol for gout which began with the PV.
The Raynauds is really painful, when it's on and when the blood is beginning to come back to the finger. I've mentioned before on this forum that my sister (who doesn't have an MPN), has terrible Raynauds in the Winter and inserts something into her gloves, that keeps her hands warm. As soon as I get the details, I'll put them on here. All the best
Hey Tico... :–)
Just wondering if you are on low dose aspirin or not?
The reason I ask is that I had something that might have ben diagnosed as Raynauds, however, after I was diagnosed w/ MF, and within the few months following all the symptoms of Raynauds disappeared.
In my own case, I believe that the improved circulation via the aspirin (acting as a blood thinner), removed the condition for me completely...
Best wishes
I have raynauds and jak 2 positive et. I’ve been on interferon and aspirin for about 7 years. Unfortunately the raynauds hasn’t improved if anything it’s getting worse with age (I’m 43). I have nifedipine to use as and when but generally just suffer it. Loving this hot weather as no where near as bad!
Hi teddy, u lucky thing. I'm suffering even in hot weather! I agree, mine seems 2 be getting worse wiv age. I'n 48, i've had etjak2+ 10yrs.i' ve heard ov nifedipine, who prescribes it 4u, gp haemo? Wishing u all the best. Tico
I have it big style. I've had it for years. Long before I knew I had ET and JAK2. It apparently goes alongside it quite neatly.
Mine is terrible. It's only because I refuse to do what he wants that I get my own way. Totally lacking compassion and thinks we're all the same. Works with statistics rather than humans. Still, it keeps me stronger when I need to fight back! ATB. P
Yes, I am PV Jak2 positive on hydroxy and asprin. I was diagnosed 2 yr ago, but the Raynauds has only started in the last few months. Its mainly in one finger.
They don't stay up to date. when I mentioned this site to mine he referred to it as a blog full of people giving all sorts of opinions and without the knowledge. So narrow minded and lacking 'real world' experiences. My specialist nurse on the other hand more than makes up for him. She is an absolute diamond. the very best. It is because of her that I have succeeded in my quest to be on this drug.