Does anyone think there is a lnk between stress and platelet count ? I have a hospital appt coming up and am having the most stressful time. After a few years of my mother suffering from Alzheimer's we lost her in November. However this wasn't to make life easier as the week before Christmas my son in law left my daughter , 20 weeks pregnant and with 2 little boys 5 and 2. She is really struggling and I have had to stay with her. Although I love them to bits I am already so tired and stressed and there is noone else who can do this for her. This situation is not going to go away any time soon.
Stress and platelets: Does anyone think there is a... - MPN Voice
Stress and platelets

yes, I do.
all of you have to rally together, forgo anything unnecessary, help each other, and really lay low....nap, couch time, tv time. it will be hard with little ones, but try to focus on them as positives rather than burdens. that will help too. stay in the moment. enjoy any amount of happy. right now it doesn't matter if the house is messy. just do necessary only and keep stress as low as possible.
I have more info in my ET memoir if you'd like to read it. happy to email you a free pdf copy if you send me an email. mine is
Yes I think stress has a lot of effects on the body! I hope this year gets better for you, sending virtual hugs! x
Hi, yes, my haematologist has always said quite strongly that platelets are definitely affected by stress levels....and there was quite a lot of astonishment in the department when I went through a particularly stressful time (caring for my husband with a severe stroke), that my platelets didn't soar up....but, having congratulated myself about that, thinking that I had found ways of combating all stress, found that some weeks later, they did, in fact, go high suddenly. Wishing you well and that your stress will lessen, very soon. Tinkerbell
I believe that Stress caused my ET Jodary! I had two different things going on at the time of diagnosis. One being my partner who was falsely acussed of a crime and the other being my best friends husband very ill and then passed away! I was in very good health till that happened. Things have now resolved stress levels more or less normal. Platelets went from 980 to now 620!'so yes I definitely believe streas puts platelets up!! Kind regards Lyn NZ
I don’t find any link but I guess we’re all different. Over the last 14 years I’ve had high counts at times of very little stress and lower ones at times of high stress.