Has anyone had success using natural medicines such as garlic, cinnamon etc to reduce hb or platelets? Recently diagnosed PV and investigating all avenues.
Natural medicine: Has anyone had success using... - MPN Voice
Natural medicine

I could be completely wrong but I think the supplements you are talking about make the blood less sticky but do not reduce platelets. There may be supplements out there that slow the proliferation of blood cells but unsure if these have been proven and if taking any of these you need high quality which have the right kind of additives to enhance absorption of the product.
Thanks for your reply. My thinking was to take natural medicine like garlic or pomegranate to suppress platelet production after venesection. I have one on Monday and a blood test a few days later. I wasn't thinking of supplements but real foods however eating raw garlic makes you a bit stinky! This aside I just wondered if there have been any studies done on this. I am desperate to stay off hydroxy.
Hi Eoin, I had a look at a study on pomegranate and it showed that pomegranate juice increased platelet production, which is the opposite effect from the one you want. A quick google search and all I could see were things like "natural ways to increase platelet counts" etc. Don't think it's the answer you're seeking. Good luck with your search though.
I read this. I'm not sure how accurate these things are:
Eat raw garlic to decrease the number of platelets in your blood. Raw or crushed garlic contains a compound called "allicin" which affects the body's ability to make platelets, therefore decreasing the number of platelets in the blood.
Your body responds to the lower platelet level by improving its immunity, which helps to protect the body from any foreign objects (such as viruses and bacteria) that enter the system.
The allicin content of garlic decreases rapidly with cooking, so try to eat it raw. Eating raw garlic causes stomach upset in some people, so be sure to eat the raw garlic with food.
Don't know if I could handle raw garlic, but use it a lot in cooking. Incidentally, while I was searching I discovered a disease which is shortened to ITP (can't remember full name, but the P is for platelets). The site has lots of resources and one of them mentions foods to avoid as they are known to lower platelet counts. Might be worth you having a look there.
immune thrombocytopenia - that's the name of the condition in my reply above
Many thanks all info is really welcome. My interest was brought about by reading about a young lady who had a tumour and after all efforts were exhausted she resorted to natural medicines, some kind of cannabis medicine long story short she was given the all clear. I think it was on a BBC news feed.
There is some research evidence to suggest red onions and pomegranate juice has some effect. Could be out of date now. You could trace it on Google ... Sallie
Hi again this is what I found also:
Antioxidant compounds in pomegranate juice known as polyphenols have the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents, in part due to their antiplatelet effect, according to a study published in the April 2009 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food." The study tested both pomegranate juice and a polyphenol-rich extract for their effects on platelet aggregation and on several other parameters of cardiovascular effect. Both the juice and the extract reduced platelet aggregation, with the extract having a stronger effect. The researchers noted that beneficial effects were achieved at levels of both juice and extract that are possible to obtain through food intake, as opposed to necessitating high levels of concentrated extracts in supplement form in order to provide a significant effect.
I'm new to mpn voice I'm not sure if other people are picking up this conversation or I need to start a new post?
I know this isn't food/supplements, but while I had PV my platelets climbed to about 1200, and an alternative therapies group I belonged to held a talk about Buteyko Breathing. It's all about the fight or flight response and the carbon dioxide/oxygen levels in your lungs. It primarily is great for asthma sufferers but I thought it might have a positive effect so took the course. It involves reprogramming ourselves to breathe only through the nose and not the mouth. I found I had more stamina, slept better and yes, the platelets dropped back down to around the 800 mark over time. I still try to only breathe through my nose but as I now have MF and take Ruxolitinib my counts are all pretty good. Worth looking into if you think it might help!

Many thanks I will, it is only through communicating that we can try different things that may help. I have always had sleep and breathing problems so I will Investigate. I have always breathed through my mouth, probably from a bang on the nose playing football a million years ago! interesting.
Hi, been trying pomegranate seeds and also turmeric....pretty sure should try raw garlic, but can't quite face that! But understand that parsley also cleanses the blood too....my platelets did go down for a while, but like doing their own thing, as went up again, but will know more after next blood tests in couple of weeks. Think always worth trying 'natural' things, if possible. Best regards, and really keen to know how you get on. Tinkerbell13
Thanks for your reply. It is difficult for me as I don't have PV symptoms so difficult to gauge whether or not doing any benefit. I have vene on Monday and blood test following Thursday and have been taking one clove of garlic, green tea with a dash of cinnamon and turmeric daily so will see what results are. Top tip if you're taking raw garlic take it with natural yoghurt follwed by an apple!
Hello Eoin,
It is difficult to know if these herbs and supplements help. I am on Hydroxycarbamide plus Aspirin and I have an appointment with the Haematologist and a blood test only once every three months, so how could I know if there is any alternative that may help. I don't like being on the Hydroxy, I feel the treatment I am getting is "one size fits all". Some people suffer greatly with ET, some don't have any symptoms, yet the treatment is more or less the same. I am trying all sorts, garlic, cinnamon, everything. Currently I am thinking of ameliorating other risk factors like cholesterol, weight, blood pressure, raising haemoglobin etc. so that the risk of blood clots is less if I decide not to take the Hydroxycarbamide. I feel the Haematology Dept is too busy to consider anything else but the same blanket treatment for all. NHS has its own agenda in that rehabilitating someone with a stroke is very expensive and Hydroxycarbamide only costs 10p a tablet!
I have now made an appointment with a Harley Street doctor who will charge £250 for an hour's appointment plus the cost of any tests on top of that. Yes it is expensive but I am spending my life savings on my health.
Hope you are able to let us know how you get on with your Harley Street doctor, and trust he knows a lot about your condition. So agree with you about the 'one size fits all' by the way, and how clever of you to sum it up in that way. Do persevere with all your 'natural remedies'....really wish you well. Tinkerbell13
Hi I'm newly diagnosed with ET/JAK2 and am against chemo, looking for anything natural. Seeing your older post was wondering if you are still doing natural things to lower platelets. Thank you. Judi
Yes. I have tried many approaches, eating healthy, exercising, even cutting back on EMF radiation. I feel a lot better for it but so far all this has had no effect on my platelets. But I am not giving up yet. I am looking into different areas altogether. ET is called essential because no inflammation is found in the body but I believe there is an inflammation somewhere and it could be in the state of one's mind and emotions. Something unresolved in one's subconscious. So I am now looking into resolving old unresolved issues. And also keeping up with the healthy eating and exercise. Each person needs to trial different types of exercise. I am thinking currently that gym type exercise does not suit me any longer at the age of 64, it only makes me want to eat a lot afterwards and consequently makes me put on weight.
It could just be that modern life is too polluted and toxic and there simply may not be a cure. I take Hydro 10x500mg a week and it is not too bad, platelets hovering around 700 and I feel OK and blessed that i do not have any major health issues or aches and pains and I can still live an active life
Hi Eoin,
I eat kiwi fruit regularly as it is supposed to contain something to help prevent blood clots....but I am currently taking and have been for 3 months is CBD oil and it has certainly improved my fatigue...seem to have more energy.
Best wishes. Richard
Hi, new to this site, please excuse my lack of tla's (Three letter abreiviations), CBD oil? I have started suffering more with breathlessness and fatigue in the last six months or so, PV jack neg for past 25 years or so, Vs regularly plus asprin, now 6 - 12 monthly Vs, reduced stress levels helped. Roy