Hi All
I am new to all this, I was diagnosed in October 2016 with having ET, this was diagnosed after having to have a brain scan which confirmed that I had had a stroke, luckily I only suffered with limited use in my left hand! following this blood tests confirmed ET Jak2 Positive, my platelets were high at 843, after many hosp appts and treatment I have just been told they are now down too 455, I am on Hydroxycarbamide 1000mg Monday-Saturday and 500mg on a Sunday, I also take clopidigrel daily, Can anyone tell me if these can rise again if I am always taking the meds, before all this I was suffering quite bad with constant headaches, migraines, sickness and severe fatigue but did not know I had this illness, I haven't worked since September and had to take voluntary redundancy in October, it has been quite a struggle getting my head around it all, luckily I have been able to claim ESA and now they have put me in the Support Group, I still suffer with bad fatigue and hot night sweats, although when asking my consultant if the night sweats were a symptom he said no ( so a little confused there!) Any Advice would be very helpful, thankyou