History: My husband found a lump in his breast about 2 months ago. He went in to the PCP and was told it's likely to be a lipoma, but they would do blood work to be sure. He came back with very high platelets. Doc said to wait a month and test again. Again, very high platelets. They referred him to an oncologist who did blood work again and said the preliminary look was high, but okay and that she would just keep an eye on the platelet level over time, but she also did a deeper dive and would call if something came back on the results. She agreed that the lump was probably a lipoma.
Today she called to say that a JAK2 mutation was found and she is ordering an ultrasound of his breast in addition to a bone marrow biopsy. She didn't go into detail, but Dr. Google tells me this is likely an Acute Thromboccytopenia.
Is there a link between these bone marrow disorders and breast cancer? Is a JAK2 mutation a cancer?