Hi my merry folks, just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, have just been diagnosed with Cataracts left really bad, there was no sign of them last year, have just appeared could it be the Hydroxycarbamide that has caused them??? Anyway went to The West Kent Eye centre at Farnborough Hospital to be told that they will not do them, they just looked at my file seeing that I have ET and attend haematology every few months and I presume they think that I am going to pop my clogs and will be a waste of their time doing them even though my left eye is sooooo blurred, just told me to go back to my opticians to get some stronger glasses!! Anyway I did this and she has since found out that they will not do Cataracts on people with Cancer, Diabetes ,and Macular degeneration no reason given well I have my Haematology app next week, do you think that I need to get them to push for them to be done as it is quality of life. I say what a loada rubbish, I'm not ready for the scrap heap yet.
Sorry to of bored you all with this essay, but had to take my frustration out on my I pad.