it is a mild/moderate to moderate/severe level of pain depending on the day varying daily, but always there. it is a pressure like pain across the forehead and sides and front of the top of the head, as well as a similar throbbing pain behind the eyes and just behind the ears.
I've had a headache all day, every da... - National Migraine...
I've had a headache all day, every day for 4 years. can anyone help?

Maybe you can try a hot wet towel (face flannel) place it across your forehead and to cover eyes also and leave it for 5-10 minutes. See if it helps?
I had a similar thing. The national migraine centre were very helpful.
First check it's not medication overuse. I restrict triptans to twice a month and only use other painkillers for other sorts of pain.
Look at your lifestyle - are you always rushing!
I found mindfullness meditation very helpful.
A combination of citalopram and nortriptilline were the best preventative for me - after years of headaches I was also understandably a bit depressed so it helped this as well.
I also cut my days at work and got an active hobby.
I'm now down to around 6 or 8 headache days a month.
I don't take any medication (apart of antihistamines over the summer for hayfever). I've long since given up on paracetamol and ibuprofen as they have no affect on the headaches.
I'm 18 just started at uni, so I have little control over my work load. I do get stressed at times but not consistently and the headache is always there whether i'm stressed or not.
Hi, im 57 and have suffered from daily migrainal headaces for the past 18 years dur to my sevical spine and trapped nerves i take a lot of medication from my GP but the one i use for my migrains is Imaran (Sumatriptan) you could ask you doctor about getting them I'm on 100mg but you can get the lower dose of 50mg hope this helps
There is a condition called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. It's a rare Neurological Disorder that causes intense headaches, like migraines.
Symptoms in IIH are non-specific and are those of increased intracranial pressure. Headaches, nausea/vomiting, and visual disturbances are the most common presenting symptoms.Headaches are predominantly frontal in location, become worse on lying down, and may wake the child at night. Increased intracranial pressure can exacerbate migraine. Some with a “mixed headache syndrome” are able to differentiate between the continuous daily headache of IIH which is worse on awaking from associated more severe, but intermittent, migrainous headaches.
Other symptoms include lethargy and tiredness, dizziness, mood change, and intracranial buzzing sounds.
I've had this condition for 14 yrs. There is a fantastic website tells you more about it is
I don't think that would apply to me, I don't get nausea/vomiting or visual disturbances with my headache. the only other symptom I have, which may be connected with the headache, is a stiff and aching neck and shoulders.
thanks for your post though
Perhaps try a chiropractor or have an X-ray of the C spine (which a good chiro can do providing they have the facilities for X-ray)
I am only 23 and I never thought I would be seeing a chiropractor.. My neck is well out of whack and so is my spine I blame it on the few years I did in the military but since I had my first session I felt relief from that day
Don't get me wrong I still get them badly but it's definitely reducing the severity in my opinion
Also try lavender and peppermint oil I use it three time a day and it's a natural remedy rather than loading up on painkillers and also try a cold pack on your neck and then straight after use a warm pack to help free up some muscles if you are experiencing a lot of neck stiffness... Just remember there is a lot of muscles in the neck that connect to the brain that can cause headaches to an extent
Also try hot baths with Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender
These seem to help manage my severe tension headaches so hopefully they can help you too let me know how you go
Dear Jim
If you have not been to a GP over this, then that should now be your first port of call. If your GP is unable to diagnose your headache, then you should ask for a referral to a headache specialist. The most important thing is to get a professional diagnosis, only then can you access the right medication and care.
I wish you well.
Best regards
I went to my GP a few months after the headache started, but didn't get a diagnosis. I haven't been (about the headaches) since.
I've got so used to them know that they just seem like part of my life. but they do affect me in my work most days and it's difficult for me sit and be quiet because the headache becomes more predominant without a distraction.
some foods and drinks can trigger off migraines keep an eye on wat ya have eaten and drank see if they trigger it off hope you get this sorted out and gd look at uni
You don't have to have all of those symptoms. Just the headache can be enough. Try and get to see a Neuro if you can to see what's causing them.
Headaches are a pain (excuse the pun) especially on a daily basis. I suffer with Complex migraines as well as the IIH and it's all day every day so I can sympathize with you.
Good Luck! xXx
Can I suggest that you visit your dentist and get him or her to check your jaw alignment. I also wonder if you are clamping your jaw and it might be worth trying to be conscious of this and deliberately keeping your mouth slightly open, just to see if you are putting pressure in that area without realising it. It does sound as if you are very tense around your neck and shoulders.
Also you might go and see a chiropractor to get your general body alignment checked. It may be that something is misaligned somewhere and a chiropractor could sort this for you.
With doctors you need to keep going back - if you don't they just assume that you are better. It's worth keeping a headache diary to take with you to show the extent of your symptoms.

We see lots of new students at the clinic here in London, so would be happy to see you for an appointment. If diagnosed as migraine we would class this as 'chronic' and you would probably benefit from preventative medication to stop the condition taking over your daily life. But, it is important to also reduce trigger factors so that you can lessen the headaches where possible. Headache and migraine likes regularity - regular sleep, snacks and keeping hydrated. Avoiding lie-ins and skipped meals - tricky when just starting uni we know! Give us a call on 0207 251 3322 and we can see you, or go back to your GP and highlight the impact it is having on your daily life so that he/she takes action. Good luck.
have you had your iron checked? headache is a symptom of deficiency and the levels do not have to be particularly low to give headaches.-----.( not low enough to make you look pale -inner lower eyelids to be pale or make you breathless on exertion), but do not self medicate !!!! get it checked medically.
Well Ibuprofen 200-600 mg works depending upon the response from a body and also 2 tablets of desprine work
have you tried them to see if they work as I am suffering from cluster headache for the last 18 years and in the beginning this Ibuprofen 400 mg and later 600 mg used to work. This desprine works before the cluster headache starts. As soon as the symptoms of cluster headache start, I take 2 tablets of desprine and it works but if the cluster headache once starts, nothing works really. Oxygen therapy just delays or postpones the attack for few hours but comes within hour or two and really doesn't stops
I just saw your comment if you still have headaches contact me on I had same problem for years and just found out few days a go what was it.
Hi did you find the cause to your problem? What you have described is exactly what i have sufferd from for the last four years everyday! From the moment i wake up untill i go to sleep.
Its wrecking my life.
I also have had this problem for 6 years. Constant everyday headaches pretty high in intensity. Jamesrs have you tried many therapies?
Has the initial poster provided any update?
I have had no success
My boyfriend have this same issue. I'm afraid for his life. We've been to so many doctors to no success. I don't know what to do next.
Have you found the solution because I have the same pain and I want to get rid of it.
Same here...... But it started when I was 10 years old..... 3 years of headache and i didn't even reach 9th std.... i am still young.... This headache is terribly affecting my studies.....
it is a mild/moderate/severe/ acute level of pain depending on the day varying daily, but always there..... For me too....... I am very very young to bear this.... too painful
I'm sorry I can't help u, but I have been suffering from a headache for almost 2 years now. I'm about 13 years old, and it isn't migraines, it isn't because I'm taking to much medicine, it isn't because of stress or anything that anyone has said in the comments. I've tryed many different meds to help, but nothing is working. It has affected my studies, and I barelypassed 6th grade. I'm sorry u r going throu this too, but no one has understood what I've been going throu (including many doctors), physically and mentally, I am glad to know that I'm not alone and I hope all of y'all can get throu what u r going throu. I hope u r better by now, seeing how this is 6 years later, and I'm praying for u and everyone else! There is a possibility that my problem is crossbite and we r looking in to it, maybe that is a possibility for u.
Much love and prayers,