i know what is like to have migraines. i have had migraines sinice as long as i can remember. the migraine doctor in dartford kent was very helpful. as the medcation i had is also used as a street drug i had to a doctors letter on me. twice i got stopped by the police. but when i moved up to harvey house doctors surgey in st albans hertfordshire its a different story. first all you see a different doctor everytime. a doctor matt prfit took me off the medcation i was on and gave me normal pain killer. he also said there was no such thing as migraine. he also said i was only using that as an excuse to use street drugs. thats not true and its the only medcation that works for me. i am fighting against him. the last three days have been a nightmare for me as ive been in so much pain. the pain was so bad i ended up blacking out and ended up in a&e. does anyone know if there is any migraine doctors in st albans or srounding area.
can anyone help please: i know what is... - National Migraine...
can anyone help please

Are you talking about cannabis oil? You can buy that from Holland and Barrett. Not sure if it’s the same strength as you have been getting
"He said there was no such thing as migraine"
If he really said that and you didn't misunderstand him, then what an idiot. This marks a new low for the medical profession.
Make another appointment and take someone else with you as a witness. Print off some medical information about migraine as he doesn't seem to have been properly trained at medical school.
Write a letter about your symptoms, history and treatment to the practice manager. Politely complain about what has happened.
Ask to see a specialist. If you get the appointment, again, take someone with you.
If you want to see a neurologist, you may have to pay privately unless your doctor somehow arranges this via NHS. I can see there are some options in your area:
Dr Dominic Mort: consultantneurologist.com/
Dr Richard Orrell: finder.bupa.co.uk/Consultan... 5PN&fhospitalNetworkId=
Telephone: 07939 182508 | 01438 288397
More options here:
I like you have had migraines for as long as I remember. I am 73 now and they have calmed down so much. However I did wake up with a really bad head a week or so ago. I was given Naramig to take as soon as a bad head starts. I went to bed with a bad head, hoping that sleeping would ward it off. It didn't and by the morning I felt like I was dying. I took my Naramig in the morning and although it got rid of the bad head I felt groggy for the rest of the day. The point I'm trying to make is. How dare a so called trained Dr say such things to you. I would try and avoid ever seeing him again. I had a Dr that told me I had irritable bowel syndrome or constipation when in actual fact I had a blockage and could have possibly died from it had I not got my Husband to dial 999. I guess they're not all as good as we think they are. After all we put our trust and our lives in to these people. Good luck with your hunt to find something.
Hey that's bloody aweful, I'd put in a complaint. Google for your nearest migraine centre, you can call them.
What did A&E say about that doc, assuming you told them.
Did the hospital not send you home with meds? Thay also write to your doc.