Great to find others who understand - National Migraine...

National Migraine Centre

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Great to find others who understand

MissyMe profile image
7 Replies

I'm 33 & have been suffering from migraine since I was 18. From browsing a few of the other posts on this site, it seems as though I've got off lightly as my symptoms seem quite mild compared to some & luckily they aren't too frequent. I've never been able to pin point the triggers for mine though, apart from stress. I think it would maybe simpler if it was a certain food that I could just avoid.

I share the frustrations of a lot of folk on here, non sufferers really do not understand that a migraine is not the same thing as a headache. I just don't have the words to properly describe just how drained I get and how fogged up my mind gets when I have one. Even if I get my painkillers (indometacin & motilium for the nausea) into me quickly enough that I don't have to spend the next few days in the dark, I'm still not fully engaged with the world. I have just come out of a migraine and to be perfectly honest, I don't really recall much of the past 3 days.

Maybe people would be more sympathetic if we had a symptom they could see? Sometimes I get the feeling that my boss would, I'm convinced that if I do ever phone in sick because of a migraine she thinks I just really fancy a day or 2 off.

Luckily my friends have become very good at spotting the early signs & are very quick to bundle me off home for meds & rest.

Looking forward to sharing your stories & advice...

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MissyMe profile image
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7 Replies
VictoriaS profile image

Hello! I also started getting migraines when I was 18. And yes, I'm rather jealous of those who stop eating shellfish and never ever get a migraine again. (Though obviously I'm very happy for them!)

I've always said that during a migraine I wish that my leg would turn green and fall off, just so I had a visible manifestation of the pain - so others would understand. But now I describe my migraines to people I meet as a bit like epilepsy.... as I think that's a little better understood.

Anyway, welcome!

knowles8586 profile image

Ive just come off betablockers because they were making me breathless and now I feel like Ive been thumped over my nose and have got blurred vision

The more migraines you have, the more stigma you seem to have to deal with, but I really recognise the work issues you raise. I put up with that for years, and I found it really difficult and upsetting at times.

I was asked if I was 'still a lady of leisure' last week by someone in my area as I am now chronic, can't work and have lost the life I once had. 24+ days a month of chronic migraine/vertigo/visual loss/absences etc have never translated as a 'lady of leisure'. More like a lady of despair! Next time I will be prepared and inform them that I have a neurological disease, that will no doubt result in a big silence.

Keep well, and try not to let others treatment of you spoil your good days.

catkxmigrainebutt profile image

that post could have been mine, just change the name and add about a week longer....the link is for one of my support groups and now have a website for those suffering from chronic migraine .....this disease touches every part of our life, my daughter now gets them too....this has to end!!!

csbadhead profile image

You sound just like me.I am getting the its your hormones causing them now I'm 45. Just wish they'd stop.

fifty profile image

ive had them for years its horrible i know lately ive had a rest from them but they come back just as quick we are unique a community that knows the pain they cause

rosianna profile image

have you all got the NATIONAL MIGRAINE CENTRE on your face book as theyre a great source of info and support for migraine patients??!!

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