hi, my migraines last for days and usually specifically include considerable flashes and image retention etc as well as the blind spots. Any help here?
visual disturbance with migraine - National Migraine...
visual disturbance with migraine

Hello there,I read from a previous post that you had a thyroidectomy a few years ago and you are on thyroxine. Same as me.I find if my thyroid hormones are off kilter for some reason,my migraines start again.Have you had your levels checked recently,could they be a little too high or low, or are you deficient in any vitamins.I have to try really hard to keep everything stable,my body doesn't like change.The thyroid forum on here is very good for helping with that and I have learnt alot from there.Wishing you luck.
Thank you for your message. You could be right. I’m having blood checks so I’ll suggest that. Tbh it’s the visuals that disturb me most lately. They persist for an hour or two, fade then return. It’s a kind of flashing but also image retention as I look from one place to another.
I had started to get the aura,with the blind spots and flickering lights too,but with no headache as I got older.I know some people on the thyroid forum also have Afib so there might be a connection there too,might be worth taking a look.Hope you get sorted, migraines have been the bane of my life,so you have my sympathy.
Have you seen an Ophthalmologist or a Neuro-Ophthalmologist?Just to rule out any issues with your vision.
Hope you find answered so you can get treatment.
Sorry to hear this - I suffered from a lot of visual disturbances from migraines. I take 80mg Propranolol (beta blocker) and it stopped migraines.