Keep away as far as possible from this stuff, the people that receive the profits from this poison should be made to take it, believe you me you are far better off with the migraine.
AIMOVIG : Keep away as far as possible... - National Migraine...

would you mind to share more information?
More headaches, neck pain, aching joints, blurred vision, sleep problems and constipation which was terrible. These all arrived about 6 weeks after the initial injection of 140m, good luck to anyone trying it, 7 weeks since the last injection and some symptoms are easing but others continuing. Take a look at Web md for its reviews.
Please share your experience of Aimovig with the community. There are 30 other posts, and if you were to give details, yours would be a useful addition.
Edit: thanks, I see you just did.
For general info about this drug:
This is your experience and it is great your sharing this but it isn’t the experience everybody has. I have been taking Aimovig for 3.5 years and it has been amazing with virtually no side effects. I post this for balance, people need to make there own informed decisions.
No side effects for me either, but it also isn't particularly effective!
I didn’t have any side effects either but unfortunately didn’t help with my migraines.
Hi I've been on aimovig for 6 months and the only side effect I've had, is swollen lump at the injection site, with itching around it. This only lasts a couple of days. Unfortunately, it hasn't helped my migrane S much.
Just like to add, in the 2 months of being on Aimovig l gained 18lbs and still rising even though I've discontinued it, had to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, except for shoes and socks of course!