Hi everyone. I just at my wits end and wondered if anyone can help?’!
Diagnosed with vestibular migraine 10 years ago by default as they did every test imaginable both ENT and Neurological and decided it had to be that and gave me propranolol and the following day it was a miracle. Hadn’t left house for months other than hospital appts but gave me my life back. Had some minor episodes but nothing like before.
Fast forward 8 years and 50 yrs old, given HRT as said it’ll be fine won’t cause you a problem and bam. Couldn’t stand up for days, crawling to the bathroom. It’s as if the beta blockers just stopped working.
I’ve now spent the last 14 months with neurologist testing this and that drug wise, had MRI and showed sinus problem so had a sinus operation (secretly hoped that would help but made things worse) and now on cocktail of Pizotifen, Amitryptiline and Candesartan and using Triptans still not good enough results considering side effects. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes along the way too as put on so much weight from beta blockers and scared to walk/move too much, somehow managed to lose 3 stone by extreme diet and then they put me on Pizotifen which are known to be horrific for hunger and weight gain. Neurologist did tell me if Pizotifen aren’t really working then GP could prescribe new injections but GP said no has to be by a hospital - wouldn’t he have known that?!?! Lucky enough to have BUPA through husbands job but feel he is fobbing me off and BUPA won’t approve any injections anyway so back to neurologist next week to ask what do I do. Also seen a lovely neurological physio but not really sure it helps.
So sorry for long post but what injections are the ones people have had success with for vestibular migraine??? Just so fed up with it all as makes uou scared to do anything. Thank you in advance!