anyone else got this ??
mid segment facial pain : anyone else... - National Migraine...
mid segment facial pain
Yes I have this, I figure it's because of all the skull botox the only muscles left than tense up are on my face. That and I grind my teeth....
What exactly do you mean by this? I have pain in the bridge of my nose that radiates out around my eyes. It's similar to sinusitis pain. It started years ago after an infection (so very likely autoimmune related) and will trigger migraines. It wasn't caused or helped by Botox or Aimovig.
I have had sinus pressure and pain in my nose under eyes for a few years. I was on a nasal spray and as that wasn’t helping I was sent to an ENT I’ve had tests on ears nose etc and a CT scan of sinuses. All good so the diagnoses is “Mid section facial pain” which they said is a type of tension headache. There is very little on the internet about it so I thought I’d reach out on here
Ok, yep.. frankly, they don't know how to classify it. It's not a tension headache.. that's muscle tension in the back of the neck. Tension headaches are also classified as muscular.. Botox works on them. My sinus CT scans are clear too, however they don't pick up facial swelling in front of the sinuses- that's present for me.
Another thing to ask about is septal spurs. It's a bone pushing out into the nerve cluster there. ENT's are split on whether or not they can cause pain and need treatment. I can say I had one develop as a kid and surgery to remove it did immediately stop the pain I was having then. For me, that was a constant low-grade headache. What I have now developed over a decade later and is not the same. Also, the spur didn't grow back.