Hi, does anyone get migraine aura that just sneaks up on you with no preformed? Thanks
Sneaky aura: Hi, does anyone get... - National Migraine...
Sneaky aura
Yes, I do. I'd never had the "classic" aura until earlier this year, so this is new to me!
I've had migraine for most of my life, and it can take all sorts of shapes and forms, but this has taken me by surprise.
First time it happened I was watching tv, nothing to suggest a migraine coming on, when I got a little patch, like I'd been looking at a bright light. It grew bigger, into a "c" shape, zigzags, colours the whole thing. A quick Google confirmed it was an aura, but I was terrified I was having/going to have a stroke. No headache afterwards. I've had a few over the past months now. No warning, and few symptoms following.
I have just read your post Bea66, almost exactly the same with me, I am also taking prednisolone for RD.
The optician told me today that I need new glasses and that I have blepharitis.
I hope you are feeling better.
Scary isn't it? Can I ask, what is RD?
Yes it is scary, RD is Rheumatic Disease and apparently eye problems can be part of it.