Hey everyone , im kevin , im 18 , i probably wrote here before a long time ago but im back
I wanted to talk abot my migraines, its not the pain that bothers me but when i was about 14 or 15 i had my first migraine with aura , i was at school and suddenly had this horrible tunnel vision and blind spots , it lasted about half an hour and went, my parents were saying that its likely low blood sugar
I thought over the years thats what it was, i thought it was a one time thing but then a few months later in 9th grade i got another one, the vision problems seemed to worsen each time , the following one happened about after , i wasnt too afraid as i knew what was to come, but then my whole palm went numb and tingly, i couldnt move it nor feel anything , since then i started to get really anxious about it
In 2018 i had one in january , one in late august bith with the horrible symptoms, then a one after a week from august it was scary that they were that close but that one was very mild with nothin but a vision disturbance aura
Then i got naother two one in november , i woke up from the pain and symptoms ,then another in january 2019
After the migraine in jan 2019 i decided to make changed, i started trying to reduce stress, improve sleep ,avoid iveruse of screens m bright lights etc.. diet changes to prevent blood sugar drops and dehydration , i thought it was working because it had been more than 9 months since that migraine, but a few days ago i had another one , it was as bad as it could have been, everything was more painful, sensitive and horrible
How can i cope with this, what if i got this when i was driving, taking an exam, im worried that this will effect my life alot, worrying how to make it less frequent , what if nothing works , im really scared , i know some people stop getting them when they get older but im worried thus well haunt me forever , does anyone have any tips , advice , ways to treat this or anthing that can help me feel less scared and frustrated
P.s most migraine were after a long sit in front of a computer , or after an exercise , or lack of sleep ,or after a stressful event , or temperature changed , i usually get them in winter idk .. i cant pinpoint the cause