I am on 8mg Candesartan for high blood pressure. Have been on it for the past 3 years. Do I need to have my kidneys tested to make sure the medication is not interfering with their function?
Cardesartan : I am on 8mg Candesartan... - National Migraine...
I think the answer is yes but I would make a dr's appointment and have it checked. Take care Lynne
I am on the same. After 2 weeks the dr gave me a blood test to check this. Then all is good unless I increase the dose - so yes!
I’ve been on Candesartan since 2014. Honestly my docs have never mentioned any problem with me taking it... and I only have one kidney now.
Hi yes, I’ve been on candesartan for 2years and had kidney function tested as I was increasing the dose, when I settled on 8mg and blood tests were ok doc said I didn’t need to have it checked again. But I would talk to your doctor - worries when you have migraines aren’t a good mix and the doc might do bloods to put your mind at rest.
I’ve been on 8 mg for just over two years now and the retinal migraines have gone ,I did not get the severe pain with them just the visual.i was put on them because bp was consistently over 100 second number