I have also suffered for years tried all the triptan's i feel they just prolong the migraine. My doctor is talking about starting me on Candesartan (blood pressure tablet) i have been on propranolol previously this only worked for a period of time and made me tried and i could not exercise.
I have read some positive reviews on here about candesartan which is very helpful but just worried about the ability to exercise and i hope it does not have the same effects as propranolol your feedback would be appreciated.
I have tried mediation which i can say helps but is not a solution the main issue is breaking the cycle.
In Scotland there is some trials started where you have an injection which can be issued once per month however i may not meet the criteria for this due to my medical history.
I have heard people talk about a nerve blocker (what is the name for this??) i have been on dosulepin this no longer works i don't think it ever worked for me .
I would be grateful if anyone on candesartan could give me information on this i am due to start it soon