I am taking 16mg of candesartan for my migraines. Before taking it my blood pressure was good anyway so it's just made it a tiny bit lower. I've just realised I've ran out of candesartan and I'm not sure what to expect in terms withdrawal side effects until I can get more medicine. Has anyone got experience with this?
Run out of candesartan : I am taking... - National Migraine...
Run out of candesartan
With just 16 mg there won't be much side effects. Watch your bloodpressure and may I advise, you probably can get this a lot cheaper in canada. PharmacyRXworld.com
Thank you! I'll keep an eye on my blood pressure, it was pretty normal before so I don't think it's going to get much higher so hopefully will be okay. Also I'm in the UK so luckily my prescription is free but thank you
I have low blood pressure and Candesartan made it even lower? My pharmacy ran out a couple times so came off accidentally a couple of times. I had no side affects. In the end I came off it bc my Raynauds got so bad it was the only new drug I'd been put on recently so came off it, in part to rule it out. Haven't had Raynauds since but it's also not been so cold so who knows!
I have recently stopped taking a daily dose of 8mg for migraine and have no side effects. Even the migraines have so far, three weeks in, not been horrendous which makes me think that there has been a positive effect, but it might be early days yet. Good luck