candesartan?: i believe this is a newer... - National Migraine...

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glamourpuss profile image
31 Replies

i believe this is a newer way to treat migraine and chronic pain.anyone been on this yet? if so how did you get on with it?

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glamourpuss profile image
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31 Replies

I am confused because Candesartan is my blood pressure medication and I take a different one for my migraines (Topiramate), so would be interested to know more about that :-)

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply to

i know very little i,m afraid i,m doing all the research as my neurologist told my very little. i will speak with my doctor before starting it but wanted feedback from other people to . how do you find topiramate? i tried this but had such awful side effects i could not continue with it. is your blood pressure high? thanks

in reply toglamourpuss

The only side effects I have had from Topiramate have been tingling of my fingers (and sometimes face) but that has worn off and I rarely get it now, and also at first weight loss, but I put all the weight back on after a while (unfortunately!). I certainly get far fewer migraines and headaches with it. You have to persevere with it though and not give up after just a few weeks, because it takes some time to build up to a workable dose.

My blood pressure was borderline high, verging on high for a long time until I was put on medication which is now keeping it at a good level. That was before I went on to Topiramate. I have no idea if the two things are working together and I hate being on any medications at all! No idea if my blood pressure is higher when I actually have a migraine.

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply to

hi, maybe the 2 are working together and i know i hate being on meds but if your quality of life is better its worth it. i usually do give things at least 3 months to work but with topiramate i could not eat and i could not afford to loose weight but i had insomia for weeks on end which i could not live with. thanks for your response .

I think that the migraine treatment recommended for you will depend on what causes your migraines. Candesartan is for the treatment of high blood pressure so if high blood pressure triggers your migraines, it may well work for you. When I get a migraine, my blood pressure sometimes drops quite dramatically so Candesartan could possibly kill me!

I have never discovered what triggers my all of my migraines (except exertion in a hot environment) so I have never found an effective prophylactic. I can stop a migraine 99% of the time with sumatriptan (Imigran) but that easily leads me into over-medication and rebound headaches so I have to spend some days every month putting up with my head pain.

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply to

hi thank you for your reply. i have never taken my blood pressure when i have a migraine but will do next time. i know its generally on the low side but still normal - so normal to low!! yes this M O D and rebound headaches is a real problem. i have recently detoxed of all meds twice but still had daily headaches/ migraine.when you have to get on with life its so hard not to reach out for pain killers. my neurologist didnt even take my blood pressure or ask about it!are you not on any preventatives?

in reply toglamourpuss

I've tried all the usual preventatives including Topamax but nothing was effecitve. I'm now trying the American Migraine Support Formula. I've been on it for about seven weeks but I'm not likely to be sure if it's working until I've been on it for three or four months.

I understand so well how difficult it is to stay off the painkillers when you're feeling really rough and when you know that those clever little tablets are not far away in the medicine cabinet! I'm just about managing to keep my intake of sumatriptan within the boundaries recommended by my neurologist but it's not easy!

headingforretirement profile image
headingforretirement in reply to

This is very worrying. I have lowish blood pressure and chronic migraines. I've tried everything so my neurologist has suggested Candesartan as a last resort!

Like you, I have never discovered what triggers all my migraines, apart from exertion in a hot environment and long haul flights and like you I can control most of my migraines with sumatriptan (but I have to use injections now as tablets don't work any more). The triptan then triggers rebound headaches which range from bearable to agonising some of the time. What do you do to try to survive the awful pain?

Loops24 profile image


I use candesartan, I have been on many medication for years and this one seems to be working for me so far but have had a nerve block at the same time so it might be that with the combination of the two of them has finally worked after years of searching for just something to stop me being in pain and having a life again. I have had no side effects with the meds and i don't have high blood pressure either. if u would like any more information about it just ask :)

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply toLoops24

hello ! thats great that you have positive results. how do you feel when you do excercise as i read you can get dizzy and light headed and faint! i want to feel well again and i would do light excercise as this is important to me. when i was on beta blockers i felt like i was going to have a heart attack whilst doing light workouts. how long have you been on them ?

Loops24 profile image
Loops24 in reply toglamourpuss

I feel fine when i'm at the gym as long as i have loads of water, but i normally go about 5 times a week and some meds have stopped me going because i thought i would faint or just felt out of it. I have now been on them for about 2 months and i have tried so many things the worst one for me was Topiramate never felt so ill in my life! What medication are u on now? Have you tried a Nerve Block? i think by having the nerve block has broke my cycle

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply toLoops24

gosh thats great i,d be very happy if i just got back to my old routine of 3 times a week! i got to a aqua class today but thats the first time in 5 weeks due to daily migraines which are very often mad worse with exercise. just the name of topiramate brings back awfull memories.. i to have never been so ill, just dreadful side effects one being insomia which lead me to being on sleeping tablets.

12 weeks ago i had botox but it did not change anything . i have to decide whether to have another round of it by the end of aug or to try a preventative.

The base of my head and all my neck muscles are causing me alot of pain to..this is linked with the migraines . is this why you had nerve block? i just need something to break the cycle !

im on naratritan s 2.5 .

have you ever tryed chinese herbs?

Loops24 profile image
Loops24 in reply toglamourpuss

Yeah I always have neck pain and tension in my shoulder that I think it's my migraines that do that or the other way around and that's why they gave me the nerve block which has been a life saver because I've had chronic migraines for over 6 years and been out in hospital many of times. I can't get the Botox done because Scotland does not fund it on the nhs which is a shame only if it works.

No I haven't tried that's herbs before, are they suppose to be helpful?

My neurologist has also giving me oxygen tanks for when I'm getting signs of aura and it seems to help as well.

I just wish they found a cure or even started to research it a bit more!

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply toLoops24

hello, so have you notice a difference to your neck and shoulder since having the nerve block and candesarten? No i have not tried herbs yet! i have had alot of acuppunture but made no difference sometimes i think it even triggered one. you are meant to get better results with acuppunture if you take the herbs to.

how does the tank work?

it really needs more research i agree , it is not taken seriously. they are so debilating .

Loops24 profile image
Loops24 in reply toglamourpuss

Yeah i have noticed a deference in my neck and shoulder as the don't feel so tensed all the time. I also go to a chiropractor which i find helps the tension around my neck.

The tank works sometimes for me just depends on how serve the migraine is.

I'm going to look into the herbs to see if it will make a difference because even tho the meds is working so for i have had many that work for a few months then all of a sudden they seem to stop working so much.

The only negative thing i have to say with the nerve block is that the first 2 days your neck is quite stiff and a little uncomfortable but would definitely do it again. Maybe you should speak to ur neurologist and see what he/she thinks, but ur migraines seem really similar to mine


Hamish0123 profile image
Hamish0123 in reply toLoops24

Hi i am due to start Candesartan your information has been very useful i was worried about exercise.I previously was on propranolol and this made me feel very unwell when i exercised therefore i was worried this may have a similar effect ?

what is the nerve blocker i have previously been on dosulepin and this has never worked for me


in reply toLoops24

Am I right in thinking that you have not had a nerve block injection without also having candesartan? I've been thinking about trying the nerve block but the success rate seems to be quite low and there can be some negative side effects if you need it on a regular basis.

I also found Topirimate to be terrible - and useless. Nothing tasted good, I felt sick almost all the time, I lost lots of weight and, perhaps worst of all, I got terribly depressed and would start crying at the drop of hat! Really embarrassing! I came off it after three months.

Maybe I should ask my doctor about cadesartan but I'll do that after my trial period using the Migraine Support Formula.

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply to

hi, yes lets hope the formula works for that magnesium, q10, and b2 ?? i took this to but recently just stopped as it was not working for me and its expensive to .

yes i ,m not on candesartan but it was suggested and no i have not had a nerve block. just one round of botox.

in reply toglamourpuss

I think I responded to the wrong posting! Sorry. Ah... age causes confusion! LOL!

Yes, the formula is more or less what you describe but with quite a bit more in it!

in reply toLoops24

This posting is intended for Loops 24 but ends up at the bottom of the page! Here we go:

Am I right in thinking that you have not had a nerve block injection without also having candesartan? I've been thinking about trying the nerve block but the success rate seems to be quite low and there can be some negative side effects if you need it on a regular basis.

I also found Topirimate to be terrible - and useless. Nothing tasted good, I felt sick almost all the time, I lost lots of weight and, perhaps worst of all, I got terribly depressed and would start crying at the drop of hat! Really embarrassing! I came off it after three months.

Maybe I should ask my doctor about cadesartan but I'll do that after my trial period using the Migraine Support Formula.

Loops24 profile image
Loops24 in reply to

Hiya sorry it took me awhile to reply been ill with a bad migraine, Yeah i have had a nerve block which i got done around 1 1/2 months ago with i have found has helped me a lot.

When i was on Torirmate i found that my legs and arms would go numb and tingle and i just did not feel myself i felt really low on them but i was on a high does of 200mg a day.

yeah i would speak to your doctor about cadesartan which i think has really helped me get my life back

in reply toLoops24

Hi again. You said you were ill with a bad migraine? So how have cadesartan and the nerve block helped you? I'm not sure that I would want to try both together as I like to know which individual treatments are helpful.

Loops24 profile image
Loops24 in reply to

Yeah it seemed to work for at least 6 weeks but over the weekend I got a really bad migraine that lasted 72 hours who h resulted in me having to take morphine but they have said that it might be that my nerve block is started not to work as they have said they never know extactly how long they will work for each person. I have had a few migraines since been on the both of them but no where near the amount that I was suffering before and they have been quite short one apart from my one over the weekend. I think that is best if u try one at a time and hopefully they work for u

headingforretirement profile image
headingforretirement in reply toLoops24

Is candesartan still working for you? I am about to start it. Do you still have to use a triptan occasionally or do you not get any migraines any more. What is a nerve block?

Tammysnowy profile image
Tammysnowy in reply toLoops24

Hi I'm on canderstan 5 weeks still not working for migranes do u think I should still continue.

Whynoexercise profile image

Hi I have chronic migraine . Better than it's been for a while. Back at work part time this week after 8 months off now . Had 2 lots of cranial botox , on topiramate , on candesartan and can function day to day which is great. Cannot exercise yet - why ?? Walking ok so building that up - even that used to put me in bed next day so maybe that's my answer ... Used to run 10 ks ! Cannot take ANY liberties in the routine of eating sleeping etc anyone similar ?

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply toWhynoexercise

hello, i have not been on this site much recently but your post caught my eye. am i right in thinking that i read you also have fibromaylgia ? i have suffered since i was 3 so 40 yrs now of headaches and migraines but have been much worse for 2 yrs . like you i have been on the whole list of medications , tried the botox and a year ago i could not get through one day without being taken to bed . i could not even cook the tea for my family and could see no light at the end of the tunnel! i had all my hopes on botox changing this but it made me worse and after 2 lots decided no more . i have always done light excercise but oviously that all stopped and when i did return to it i would end up in bed again or feeling terrible. i undersatand botox weakens the muscles and it puts other muscles under strain . (making excercise more difficult) i have been having a battle with trying to excercise for some time now . have you managed to get back to it and if so how?? do you think its the fibro to? i would be interested to here your story if your happy to share it.


Whynoexercise profile image

Thanks for your interest . Actually since my first post I would cautiously say I am improving after nearly 2 years. Took me. Little while to work out the exercise relationship . Then I forgave myself stopped trying too hard and concentrated on routine rest and the medication and treatment for chronic migraine. I have never been diagnosed with fibro myalgia .

Pleased to say doing more exercise now - hill walking , cleaning bit of swinming short cycle rides with the kids but not a regular aerobic programme - still not pushing it - enjoying feeling well . Still have huge migraines if I overdo it in standRd sense without throwing in vigorous exercise . Hoping I will build up to it with time .

glamourpuss profile image
glamourpuss in reply toWhynoexercise

That's great that you have improved and have some lifestyle back . Is that down to finding the right meds ?what do you take now? I have also improved slowly since October due to taking nortriptylin but cannot increase it any more due to a side effect . I'm still battling with excercise but will persist !

Whynoexercise profile image

Yes think v short walks an achievement. Then changing a bed. Driving 40 mins etc . Each of these and I would need lie down . I think right meds . Lots of fluids . Cranial botox and no caffeine or alcohol and very regular routine have been key . Have built up slowly . Done more when I know that if I end up in bed for 3 days agAin it's not end of world but part of the trial and error . Good luck .

Alfie777 profile image

I tried it for a year. Didn't work for me, so now coming off it. Side effects weren't too noticeable.

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