Still walking hand in hand with a 3 day headache. What's new about it is not only does the right side of my head hurt but also the back right gums/inner cheek. Has anyone else experienced this or something similar?
Perhaps Someone Else Can Relate - National Migraine...
Perhaps Someone Else Can Relate
Yes I often grind the crap out of my teeth when I'm migrainey. I have a tooth guard but it doesn't stop my mouth hurting!
Yes, I've had this. For me, the only help is rest, finding out why I'm so stressed and finding a way of dealing with it. Sometimes I just cancel everything for a few days and retire to bed.
Yes, on many occasions and its very tiresome. Sometimes its just in my mouth, jaw and face one side or the other, not even much of a headache. I usually apply ibuprofen 10% gel to the affected side (on the face where possible, including behind the ear and the neck that side). In my case, its often my neck that's irritable, otherwise, it just seems to be some sort of inflammation or irritation of the nerves. Makes cleaning your teeth the affected side quite a painful experience, although there's nothing to be seen... Can be caused by grinding your teeth in your sleep, or sleeping with your jaw clenched, so going through a relaxation process before sleep might help, especially clenching your jaw, then actively letting it go slack, letting the tongue drop down in the mouth. TMJ disorder can cause it too...