I started having migraines April 2016 and they became constant August 2016. For the first few months I was in agony and didn’t leave my pitch black room, I also have to move back in with my parents.
I have come a long way since then(am now able to live on my own!) but I still struggle with noise/lights so going for a meals or something is pretty tough. I can now go on short walks but there is no way I can go back to work yet. For me the Aura is constant and fluctuating, at its worst I can barely see, feel disorientated and dizzy and can’t think straight. I have other symptoms such as nausea, light and sound sensitivity, headaches and speech and memory problems.
Does anyone have any advice over what else I can try??
So far I have tried Gabapentin, Topiramate, Naproxen, Amytriptaline and Nortryptaline all to no avail. I am currently taking pretty high doses of Propranolol and Lamotrigine which seem to be working some. I also had a nerve block and am currently waiting for Botox.
I have tried a Chiropractor, Acupuncture and the Daith piercing which didn’t work. I am on a very restrictive diet (no gluten, wheat, dairy, cheese, soy, sugar, caffeine amoung other things) which I don’t think much although I am certainly a lot healthier which can only be good. I also go to counselling which I think is one of the best things I have done as my counsellor is also an experienced migraneur.