During the last trimester of both of my pregnancies and during the breastfeeding phase of my second child I had frequent migraines with aura . Since stopping breastfeeding in April I have had migraine auras and associated head pain exactly 16 days after my period on 3 different occasions. Prior to the aura phase I have about 4 days leading up to it with upper back pain, sensitive and altered vision and a general feeling that a migraine is about to arrive. After the migraine aura I am weak, have a pain in my right side on the bridge of my nose and generally feel out of it for a couple of days . I get repeated aura sometimes for about a week. I then feel 'normal' again and then the cycle starts again.
I am on 10mg of amiltryptiline which obviously isn't doing anything. Imigran also doesn't deal with the auras.
I'm trying to find out what hormone could be responsible for these migraines. Before pregnancy I had about 10 migraines overall.
I am 36, otherwise healthy and try to exercise each week apart from when the migraines arrive. My next doctors appointment is in October so this time I want to solve the hormone issue having kept a detailed diary for the last few months and being able to pinpoint the migraines arrival exactly 16 days after my period. Thanks in advance.
Oh and I also get numb lips and slurred speech and a horrible taste in the days leading up to a migraine.