I have just started a course of Candasartan 8mg increasing to 10mg after a month. I have also started taking 5HTP supplement. Has anyone tried the 5HTP - if so did it work, how long did it take to notice any positive effects and what was the dosage you tried? I am finding so many migraines disabling and am struggling to stay in work or have a 'life'. They only started about 4 years ago. I am 58 and had a full hysterectomy at 50. I was on low dose HRT patches but have slowly weaned myself off them the last few weeks although the doctors don't think they are contributing to the migraines.
Migraine and 5HTP - I have migraines ... - National Migraine...
Migraine and 5HTP - I have migraines approximately 16 days a month and have been given every preventative available.

Hello Suzi
I do take it but not sure how effective it is. My migraines seem to be weather & stress related & I get more in the winter. At the moment they're easing off, but that's because we're getting into the warmer weather.
you said you have tried all the preventatives available, there are different methods of controlling migraines Botox is one of them fairly new to the UK I have never tried this but I have heard it helps many people. Have you ever thought about tinted glasses they help me I am also on amitriptyline as a preventative for my migraines, you can also get thin screens to go over the television, computer, tablets etc. which help there are designed for people who suffer with epilepsy but they help some migraine sufferers too. Food can contribute to migraines as well. I hope this helps you

Hi. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I have had two courses of the Botox which had no effect either. I have just got tinted glasses a couple of weeks ago for use on the computer so I am really hoping they help. I have had amitriptyline, beta blockers, three different anti-epilepsy tablets - the last one was Topiramate which made me really ill. I always try to be positive and am hoping that the candesartan which works on relaxing the arteries will work as well as the 5HTP and tinted glasses. Fingers crossed!

Hi Suzi! Have you been to our charity-lead clinic at National Migraine Centre to see a headache specialist. Our first appointments are 40 minutes and allow us to look at your history, carry out a neurological examination and come up with a personalised treatment plan. This may include botox and nerve block injections as mentioned above but this is only if we feel all other options have been exhausted. We put a lot of focus on lifestyle management to reduce the intensity and frequency of your attacks - identifying your own triggers, nutrition, hydration, sleep patterns, all simple yet hugely important for managing migraine. Keep a diary and we'd love to see you.
Hello I came across this post while trying to help with my own migraines and what I found is T3 can actually improve migraines.
Here's a good article on Hashimoto's and migraines. How are you feeling these days ?
This makes a lot of sense, however getting a diagnosis of a thyroid condition is very difficult indeed. I've read that T3 is no longer available in the UK due to the cost becoming massively inflated. Even people who were diagnosed and being prescribed it can no longer get it.
Have you actually been prescribed T3?
In my experience doctors are unwilling or refuse to consider co-morbid conditions exacerbating migraine.