Can anyone offer any experience of be... - National Migraine...
Can anyone offer any experience of being on nortryptaline for migraine, please?
Hi there , I have been on nearly every medication probably out there for migraine over the last 17 yrs . I am currently taking nortriptylin after I read a lot of good reviews . It has had the best impact on my migraines and other muscle pain s and Also helps me sleep without feeling to drowsy the next day . It has had the least side effects to which makes it tolerable to take . I started on 5 mg and increased it by 5mg every 5 -7 days . I'm currently on 45 mg . However I have not noticed any more positive benefits from 25mg to 45mg . I was told I could up it to 150 mg ! I hope this helps you , feel free to ask anything else . I would try it but I know drugs are different on different people ! Good luck
I have been on nortryptilline for several years for absolutely chronic daily migraines. I couldn't tolerate the sleepiness on amitryptilline. It wasn't a miracle cure, but did reduce the intensity of the headaches which was worthwhile. I titrated it up to about 60mg, waiting until the side effects of a dry mouth eased before increasing again. The NMC added in citalopram, which worked really well combined with a total change in outlook - mindfulness meditation, learning to pace myself, reducing my working hours and getting an outdoor hobby. I now only take 5mg - it took several months to slowly titrated it down and find the lowest effective dose.
Hi there,
I have tried about 5 or 6 prophylaxis for migraine, including amitriptyline -could not stand awful side effects but did work initially. Had 2 rounds of greater occipital nerve blocks and now taking nortriptyline @ 40 MG's per night. started on 10 MG's. This med has absolutely changed my life! Now get about 4 migraines a month instead of about 16!
Good luck.
Thanks to everyone for helpful - and mostly hopeful - replies to my question. Really appreciate it and fingers crossed for all of us!!!!