Been taking 10mg of citraplan at night for 9 days know still feel terrible when does it start to get better
Susan135: Been taking 10mg of citraplan... - Mental Health Sup...

Give the drugs five weeks to work well.
You are on 10mg dose this is the initial dose, possibly your GP will increase the dose at a later date. Be patient

Thanks for that I know it takes time for them to work just feeling sorry for myself at the moment felt better before I started taking the medication and having second thoughts about continuing to take them
I've just been started on this 20mg/day after taking Sertraline for almost a year.
Sertraline didn't do a great deal for me - the side-effects were actually worse than my condition.
I know these medications take 4 - 6 weeks to have a positive effect so give it time, you can actually feel worse in the short term but stick with it. I'm waiting to see how I react to the change I literally had my first pill this morning so I've a while to wait. I'd appreciate it if you can let me know how things go for you.
We all feel the same way as you describe when switching over to new medications .
Just give yourself time, try not to worry, Remember you need this medication to control and help you recover. I am just like you although now I am becoming so jaded with medications , In my case and the medications I have to begin and reduce doses of all, because I am a Pensioner. We need smaller doses, that can be problematic as well
Keep a hold