I’m a 16-year-old girl and I don’t know if I am depressed or just sad. I cry a lot and get upset a lot but I don’t show it to anyone.I feel so lonely. What should I do?
What should I do?: I’m a 16-year-old... - Mental Health Sup...
What should I do?

bro its okay sometimes inlife u just
If you see a Doctor you will find out if you really have depression. There are different causes for feeling sad. It could be a physical issue , or hormonal . Instead of guessing and worrying why not find out what is really going on. Talk to your parents if you can. This isn't uncommon for people your age. Pam
Hi I remember feeling like you do right now when I was your age. I have a daughter your age and she feels like this right now. The big difference is that she tells me about it and I hope that helps her to feel less alone. If you are coving this up then so are many others. My daughter has a great attitude to feeling like this. It comes from nowhere and there is no reason for it she tells me. All of a sudden getting out of bed is hard work, she takes no enjoyment in things she used to. Motivating herself to do the things she needs to is tougher. She tells me that she’s had times like this before so she knows it will change and get better, she just doesn’t know when. It’s about being kind to yourself, eat well, sleep ( if you can) and wait. Hope that helps
Good morning. I was wondering how you are feeling today
I’m not too bad but I can’t talk to my parents about this, they wouldn’t understand. There are so many reasons and some that aren’t even good enough reasons, that make me feel this way.
I found this and wonder if it would help you? Teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ It’s a place where teens can talk about their problems openly.
Hey baby girl...Let me 1st say, what you're feeling shall pass....You won't always have those feelings....When I was your age I went through the same thing...It was bad. MY mom was able to get me help. I spoke with a therapist weekly which helped a lot! It also helps if you have someone to talk to...Prayer and believing in a higher power helps more than you know...You should definitely get some help ASAP...Find a therapist under your insurance and let them take it from there......May I ask are you on any birth control by any chance??