I just wanted to check-in on all of my Health Unlocked friends and say a big "Hi" since it has been almost 5 weeks since I last posted on here and since I started my new job but I am still IN my new job and still loving it.
It has taken for me to go through 3 previous jobs before getting to this one and now I can at last believe what everyone on here told me (about how the right one would come along when it was supposed to) but when you are in a position of hopelessness, you dont believe it when folk say this to you.
I am working with some wonderful people and have already made new friends. The work is very hard but very rewarding and I am learning new things every day. The difference between learning in this job and learning in my last position is that I didnt enjoy being in the last position whereas now..?? I actually cannot wait to get there in the morning.
I have already had my first wage and it is so good to be earning a pay that actually reflects the work I am doing. It has all finally fallen into place.
I hope it is OK for me to continue to post on here but I am really grateful to everyone who listened to me when I was at my lowest and thought there would never be anymore "good tomorrows".. Half of the time I honestly dont know where I would have been had it not been for my friends on here. You were the people I would speak to last thing at night and the people I would reach out to first thing in the morning and you kept me going. (And I have never forgotten that!)...
I hope you are all OK.
Lots of love!!