When you can’t adford to take care of yourself or your kids, I work but it’s never enough...I have no support....I am at my wits end...this is no way to live
Tired: When you can’t adford to take... - Mental Health Sup...

hi that's a real shame to hear of your struggles specially when your working and doing your best for you all.do you live in the uk if so good to visit citizens advice they will advise you on budgeting.would you consider a food bank.dont be to hard on yourself I'm sure your kids know you are doing your best for all.
Sorry to hear of your plight. If you are working (depending on the age of your kids), are you not entitled to Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits and Child Benefit? Is there no chance of promotion to get better wages in the job you are doing. Do you not get any Child Maintenance for the kids??
I have been in this position with only one child but didnt know what benefits I was entitled to until I was told and then things became easier. What do you do for food? Sometimes buying things like pasta, rice, potatoes (I used to shop around for the cheaper cuts of meat etc) lots of frozen veg is quiet cheap and you can stretch your meals out like this. I actually went to the charity shop for clothes (not for my son but for myself - I could never find anything for him..??). I am a bit better off now but I still go to charity shops. Some really top brand names for just a couple of pounds. I have friends who still comment on where I get a certain top (I never buy footwear), or jacket and they cannot believe that I have bought them in a charity shop. Right down to the very jewellary that goes with it.....
There are ways and you will manage because you are a mother and its what us mothers do!!!
Keep your chin up - it wont be forever!!
Well I don't know how to bring across comfort to you but just know your trying your best. Don't give up now fight for what you want to achieve for your children. I know your probably tired but your almost there. Make time for God and he'd make time for you. Don't give up cause God only gives us what we can handle. Also I'm not sure if you can get help for being a single parent in whatever sate your in but I'm sure you'd find a way through this. Be strong for your children. God bless
Thank you so much, I have tried and tried...and keep trying. People I am close to tell me they understand, they can’t....I keep wondering why I have things so bad. I know if I didn’t ha e my kids I would want to fall asleep and never wake up. I pray and ask God for help, I struggle from horrible anxiety and I visit my doctor on Monday. It is nice to reach out to this support group for people to understand. Thank you
You do not say the age of your children, I can only presume they must be of school age for you to be able to work. One thing is for sure you cannot carry on without help and support. You need to contact the benefits office ASAP, do your employers know of your struggle? I cannot summize as to why you are alone and I along with those who have replied feel deeply for you, what you most need is practical help, not knowing where you live etc it's difficult. If there is a food bank near to you would that help? It's not charity it's feeding yourself and your children properly. This goes far deeper too, are you struggling to keep warm? Are you reliant on charity shops for clothes, it's opens up all sorts of questions in my mind. You are crying out for help, I feel so sad for you, please contact all the agencies, if possible go in person, seek medical help and keep us informed as we here want to help you, much love Helen 😊😊💐💐💐💐