Just looked at the Community Guidance, this caught my eye.
Contributions must not:
contain any material that is obscene, offensive, hateful, inflammatory or defamatory of any person;
promote any discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
infringe any copyright, database right, trade mark or any other right of any other person;
be threatening, abuse or invade another’s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;
be likely to harass, upset, embarrass alarm or annoy any other person;
So, it would appear that if one individual felt that I was upsetting or annoying that person, I could be banned! Although the 'be likely' does imply the reasonable man test so I'm hoping any complaint against me will balance my actions against whether the individuals offence is reasonable. But you know...
Also, the range of material which must not be posted, such as offensive, is poorly defined and subjective. It also goes further than the law ( where I live ) requires for criminal activity. Gross offensiveness being the test.
These guidelines are poorly drafted in my humble opinion.
Funnily, the Health Unlocked Guidelines say this
HealthUnlocked is not a forum to create negative impressions about identifiable individuals. Negative and damaging references to identifiable individuals may be edited or deleted either by HealthUnlocked or by a community administrator. We hope that users will respect the right of other members to present their individual health experiences, regardless of whether or not they are in agreement, and that all disagreements will be