What next Spent most of the night in ... - Mental Health Sup...

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What next Spent most of the night in A/E, after taking too many pills!! Never felt so low.

7 Replies

Cant see a way out of this situation.

7 Replies
Adorable1 profile image

Sorry to hear this Brooke.

Sending a hug your way and hoping you feel better soon.

After being up all night perhaps a sleep will help you, if you can manage it. Things always feel worse when your tired too.

Sue xx

Suzie40 profile image

Yes, I agree with Sue. Have a big sleep and see how you feel. Hope today is a better day for you x

Stilltrying_ profile image

Yes, a sleep is in order and then you may be able to see things in a clearer way. Take good care, hope you feel better


fadedlizard profile image

Oh darling, what a nightmare for you. Definitely follow the advice and get some sleep. Try not to think ahead - rest, be kind to yourself. When you feel better there'll be plenty of time to sort things out. Is there someone with you?

Love and Hugs


Luckyring56 profile image

Many questions:

Do you know why you feel so low?

How long have you felt like this for?

Did A&E call in an 'on duty' psychiatrist?

Have they made arrangements for any follow-up?

Is your GP aware of how you feel?

Do you have 24 hr support?

Are you already on medication?

How did you end up in A&E...did someone find you or did you call them?

Was it a serious attempt to end your life or a cry for help?

in reply to Luckyring56

Crisis Resolution Service was called, they are available 24hrs. Feel very isolated. Live alone with one married son who knows very little about how I am feeling. Don't think he would cope very well. Not good at talking about my problems. Thanks.

ThemysciraDrive profile image

Sorry you feel so bad - know that there are lots of people on this site who have been right where you are, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you will find your way out, just like we did.

Do you get any treatment for how you feel (beds or psychotherapy?)

Not what you're looking for?

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