when will the pain stop? how do I ch... - Mental Health Sup...

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when will the pain stop? how do I change how I feel. I want to die right now, i want to jump off a over pass and get smashed by a truck

12 Replies
12 Replies
jillylin profile image

Take it ten minutes at a time. Go to a and e at hospital and say you don't feel safe. Get help. Gentle hugs

ive done that before, no help have over dosed 4 times, I have stopped all my meds, I just want it over with, I can not take another day of this life

missrat profile image

Ring 111 to speak to someone for advice - although they will probably suggest A+E. In the meantime, please ring the Samaritans and./or Saneline. Overdosing doesn't help, Have you been under the Community Mental Health Team? If so, please try to contact your care worker. The pain won't always be this bad.

We care, and we're here for you.


in reply to missrat

Yes I am under them now. Well it doesnt matter anymore anyways.

I give up

in reply to


I went through the usual wanting to end it all, took a overdose of pain medications just before Christmas several years ago and was rushed into A and E. All I can remember about that night was been sitting there having bloods checked and, next morning getting the bus home. We had a sick dog and my wife stayed with the tyke saying the dog needs me more to the ambulance man who was working on me at the time.

Remember it is those who are left feel it most, only if they have not got a dog to look after.

Also by the way, I had no money with me, I was going to have to wait 4 hours to get an ambulance so I was lucky to have my bus pass. Sadly I was in my slippers, and the ground was covered in snow.

It puts things into perspective whatever way you look at it

Photogeek profile image

I hope your ok. When your in pain it's very hard. Hang on

And go to A&E if you can. You need to be in a safe place. Why did you stop

Taking your Meds. ?That's going to cause a big drop in mood..


in reply to Photogeek

Do you want to know why I failed. I did not know that I was working on half doses

jellybeany profile image


Hope you got help...the pain is hard, plz get back on your meds, and perhaps add SAMe to them, I just did, it has helped me, I was in dire need and in so much pain. Don't give up, you could be my daughter!


Gambit62 profile image

Really hope that you didn't do anything and are still around.

I know it is a really frightening place to be and it's horrible and it really does feel as if there is only one real way out of it all. Been there.

What always stopped me when I got to that point was the thought that someone would have to clear the mess up and I couldn't face doing that to someone - even if I did pills chances are I'd be sick and ... someone would ...

I cope much better with death and suicidal thoughts now after I realised that for me it was part of a feed-back loop. I think it is quite natural, when you are really stressed to think about death and ending it all - just because it is a way out and at first it is calming but then it starts to be disturbing - particularly if it comes out of nowhere - but rather than being sensible and shutting up your brain tries to calm you by sending you more thoughts of death etc until your just overwhelmed by them.

I got out by visualising the thoughts as an unwelcome caller and decided not to continue sitting inside whilst they knocked and knocked hoping that they would go away but instead, each time they came, I imagined myself going to the door and opening it and just saying 'not today thank you' and then closing the door as they went away - I had to do it a lot of times and each time I had longer before the called back. They still call occasionally - but now I just think - okay I'm feeling a bit anxious - and leave it at that so I managed to break the cycle. I thought it would take months but in fact it took less than a week.

Hope you are around to receive this and that it helps a bit. We all understand how you feel - but there is more than one answer.

If you aren't around or it doesn't help then I'm a bit sad but I understand and respect your decision.

lostonrye profile image

Hi I can identify with your post I have experienced sever depression over the past 20years had CBT and take SSRIs

It has gotten more bearable over time. please know self harm is not the right thing to do

No matter what, always pick up the telephone or get help somehow.this advice seems empty given who low someone can get. some of the common technichs can be learned to get you through a very bad patch

So please stay safe



If you are really in trouble you need to contact one of the suicide organisations over the phone for a chat, at the same time call the NHS helpline if you have taken anything over the top so someone will be there to talk you through and keep you awake.

Basically it just is not worth it .All you do is upset everybody you know. Some will even come and ask you what you saw on the other side if you had travelled that far and managed to get a return ticket.. Remember if you have no money with you, st Peter will ask for your home address.

Very very serious just do not go there we all have friends and family, many would have an awful time if you suceed, it will be over for you, although it will never be that for those we leave behind.

When you come around you are not with mental health, you are in A and E they do not have time to talk, they ask while doing tests the reasons why. Yes they will notify the Crisis Team, yes they will see you within twenty four hours. Mostly

very few are sectioned and most are just sent home feeling very much that you have let everyone down who really do love you, and are very hurt

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