The Housing Association are arranging for our houses to be fitted with new, economical, but re-located boilers. I should have had a visit from the surveyor today. I knew that getting things reasonably straight first would be difficult, but hoped to reach an interim 'acceptable' stage. However, with my friend coming round on the 'escaped pet rat' hunt, I found I had far more to do than I expected.
I planned to get up early, but woke with a migraine - plus the sciatica. I rang the company, who were happy to postpone it - and it is now 7th May - beyond all I could expect!
I am working on a plan to do a certain amount every day - but also to schedule in some 'me time' for relaxation, meditation etc. and have started to make real progress in this last week, but it has taken 8 years (since Mum's death) to get where I am, and I can't realistically expect an instant solution.
I'm also using an absolutely brilliant mood-monitoring program - more about that later.