can a person still go exercise at the gym and do yoga when got a common cold because I had since last. Week thursday
common cold : can a person still go... - Men's Health Forum
common cold
As long as you otherwise feel well and you are sure it’s not covid, go for it.
You may feel fatigued quicker than usual. If this is the case, don’t push yourself too hard.
passing your germs onto others is never a good idea… even if you thinks it’s “just a cold”…. You are setting others to get what you have and their immune response may not be as good as yours.
I always wonder about this too. I would think that ur body would want that energy to help fight the cold. Instead of expending the energy elsewhere, hence resting while ur sick. But I'm no dr or scientist. Just my thought process and I've also had to convince myself out of exercising while sick with this same thought process
If its a head cold then go for it but if its a chest cold you should probably wait until it clears.
Take care..
We have a rule at our small, family owned, gym: If you are sick stay home. Period. Anything else is just plain rude as the rest of the members really don't need to share your illness and there is no way for you to know if you are contagious.