It started today and it is only in my left ear but it is constant and it is driving me mad. It sounds a bit like air escaping. Any ideas are welcome.
I hear a noise in my ear.: It started... - Men's Health Forum
I hear a noise in my ear.
Welcome to tinnitus my friend. I hope it is only temporary for you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have had it for years and it doesn't get any better. I've had tests done and all they can tell me is they can't find anything wrong, but there sure is something wrong. It started in my right ear but now I have it in both ears. I've tried everything I can find on the internet, but nothing helps so far. I don't know what to do. If you can find anything please post. All I can say now is I feel very sorry for you.
I was afraid of that. Master Google gave me similar advice. Life just gets better and better. 🥴
Want to say glad I'm not the only one but I'm not glad, I empathize with you all. Have the same problem I believe it must have something to do with inflamation or some reason but can not find a solution. Dr recommended hearing aid to "mask" the sound. Still looking...
How long did you have it for and is it in one or both ears, if you don't mind my asking?

I still have it. Started to be a constant noise after I was diagnosed with enlarged prostate and going through all that involved very high anxiety. I turned 56 started taking tamsilousin for prostate and multiple tests, this affected my sleep and anxiety levels then the noise started. Sometimes quite loud high pitch ringing.
I’m glad someone else has reported tamsulosin affecting sleep. It has really mucked up my sleep pattern too.
I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine the distress.

It's been a year and a half I still hope it gets better. I should mention I also have spots on my forehead and scalp that get inflamed they are worse than pimples, and can be quite sore. Have a antibacterial lotion for those and occasionally take antibiotic when they are at there worst. I feel like they are connected somehow to the ringing noise.
I honestly don't know about them. Sounds awful. I feel things just creep up on you once you get older and you never know what comes next. It's quite frustrating.