Pls pls pls friends help me
I'm 20y now and when I get erection I ... - Men's Health Forum
I'm 20y now and when I get erection I can't rollback down foreskin it's too tide do I need to circumcised pls tell me what to do thanks.

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You could try to carefully stretch your foreskin but I doubt it will be successful. I had it too and have tried everything, from creams to stretching methods but nothing really helped. Five years ago at 17 I got circumcised. I am very glad I did it. It's one of the best decisions I ever made. No more tight foreskin for me. If I may give you a good advice: get yourself circumcised, you won't regret it!
From your picture, it appears that you have phimosis. Circumcision would most likely be your best option.
Firstly: you should have a chat with a doctor as in your case it looks very tight. Stretching your foreskin will work but it does take time.
Secondly: any sort of surgery should only be used as a last result. If you was not meant to have foreskin, god would not have put it there.
I’m not a person that is anti-circumcision as long as it’s done for right reasons. My own brother had it done 30 years ago on medical ground and had many problems with it then and now. I always said I wouldn’t let anyone anywhere near my man hood with a blade unless it was on medical grounds. As in your case.
I would advise you to speak with your doctor as soon as possible. It is nothing to worry about as doctors have heard it all before. Tight foreskin is a growing problem with most boys and young men these days. I think it is due to a lack of understanding by mainly fathers. I was lucky because my father did have medical knowledge and was not bothered about talking to us about these things.
I’m sure you will make the right decision. That is best for you. Please update us with your progress.
You can get advice on curing it at
Go to urologist and get diagnosed. If it is phimosis , then go for circumcision.
That is the only option. lot of people will tell you not to go for circumcision but trust me they won't even know how painful it is to live with foreskin tightness.
Myself sufering from a phimosis and due to money issues and insurance compani denial i have to live with it.
You can do stretching yourself. However it will take a long time. I tried it after a year I was able to retract while erect. However I still ended up getting circumcised because I had excessive skin and a short frenulum (unsuccessful stretching).
Everyone in these forums are obsessed with circumcision which I think should be viewed as a last resort because once it’s gone it’s gone, try every available option. Personally I found stretching worked but you need to be extremely delicate. Good luck

Stretching follows natural law, so it works.
I too used gentle stretching and it also worked fine for me. As Jim says it follows natural law and therefore it will work. However it will take time and isn’t a quick fix but prevents you having to have surgery.
I see the anti-circumcision sect has sent out its missionaries again.
Not at all my friend. I have been close to circumcision myself. But after speaking with doctors and male members of my family. Came to the conclusion surgery isn’t the best option. I have two close friends that are consultants in a nearby hospital. One of them is a consultant urologist. Both agreed with me. That people need to think more closely about the implications of having surgery! When other treatments are available and can work just as well. Surgery for some people is the only option. I just here trying to help someone make a decision one way or the other and giving advice where I can. At the end of the day my young nephew has the same problem now his mum and dad are very happy for him to try the stretching methods. So he doesn’t need surgery. What’s wrong with that. If his phimosis isn’t a life threatening condition and he isn’t getting any pain with it and he can pee why shouldn’t he try stretching.
Nothing wrong with that, only it seldom works. I've heard from many others who did stretching their foreskin that it didn't work or it works only temporarily. My own experience was likewise.
I’ll have to agree to disagree with you on that one. I come from a big family of mostly males. 8 Brothers, 14 nephews and 4 great nephews and only two of them had circumcisions done as they was unable to pee properly. The stretching method does work. It’s not something you do then stop. It’s an ongoing process mainly for hygiene reasons.
OK, but it's not a proof of working always. Only 1 out of 5-6 boys develop phimosis and if it's not too severe I can imagine that stretching could work temporarily. And maybe it even lasts if you keep on stretching it for the rest of your life. It's of course what you want. I wouldn't want to stretch my whole life...
Go to and read the archived posts from 2003. My Aussie business partner and I developed that site at Network54 after having worked on the circumcision forum at Therein we proved the effacacy of using skin expansion techniques. It’s a respected science used frequently in surgical procedures.
In cell biology, mitosis is a part of the cell cycle when replicated chromosomes are separated into two new nuclei. I don't see how this could happen with stretching the foreskin. You are mixing reality with fiction!
Not true and you know it. Tension of the foreskin doesn't make cells split into two cells. That's scientific BS!
You should say it makes your skin grow, it’s much more simpler for some people to understand.