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Men's Health Forum (Penis Health)

35,886 members8,973 posts

All posts for July 2021

Circumcised - The skin

Hey, I was circumcised 1 week ago. No complications. Still have abit of sensitiv...
Laps96 profile image

Is it normal

Hello I just went to see my doctor today, there is a little bit infection on wou...
Gojo121 profile image

When should I start to bath full body I have 4 weeks after my circumcise

Hello everyone I have a question please I need to ask when should I start to...
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Does circumcision reduce size in “growers”?

Does anybody know if this can happen? I am almost 10 weeks post- circumcision an...

Post circumcision swelling

I operate circumcision surgery before 43 Days, All Stitches are go away but swel...
Cricbuzz profile image

Swelling in penis head

Pls help me😣

Glans tickle when I masturbate and cause premature ejaculation

I am uncut. Should I start rubbing my glans during the day to desensitize them? ...


Im 25 days post op and this morning i saw a few drops of blood from the wound in...
Gojo121 profile image

Yellow on my Uretha

I was circumcised last Monday and have noticed yellow stuff on my urethra. Anyon...

Semen only exits out of "top" slit

Is this normal? My semen only comes out of the upper half of my slit.
qwerty110 profile image

Penis head skin peeling

Hi , I had been circumcised for nearly 10 months but my penis head skin (lower p...
Aman79 profile image

A cut on my penis

So i can’t remember when, but when i was going to take a shower i realised there...
AllmarQ profile image

3 weeks 5 days after being circumcised and have sex

Hello guys is it fine to have sex after 3 weeks 5 days of being circumcised.

Post circumcision swelling

After circumcision 42 days My penis is swelling,is it normal? When swelling go ...
Cricbuzz profile image

ZSR Circumsison ring removal in 8 days

I had zsr circumsison 8 days ago. Today on the 9th day there was some bleeding s...
Lifeishard8 profile image

Lump on scrotum on left side after circumcision

Howdy Gents ! I am 31 and had circumcision done due to paraphimosis I am on my d...
richardgrg7 profile image

Approximately 2 1/2 weeks post-OP. A great deal of tenderness on a single spot

Alright so I posted previously regarding excess bleeding at like my 12 day mark ...
Grenadier94 profile image

Please Help!!!

I had my stapler circumcision done 9 days ago. Day before yesterday I had a stro...

Urine coming out in two streams

I am uncut and when I pull my foreskin back to urinate, the urine comes out in t...
qwerty110 profile image

Is this normal??

So i have skin under my frenulum is this normal and its attached to the tip that...

Circumcised 10 days ago. My secret to overcome circumcision complications

My secret for fast recovery after circumsicion is the wim hof method breathing t...
Enriquex profile image

Pee Hole Sensitvity

Anyone else Pee Hole Sensitive To Underwear or touch after circumcision? I’m 4 w...
Dhhdjxhhd profile image

How to take care of circumcision wound after one week? On top almost stitches are fall down only remaining part is the bottom of my penis

How to take care of circumcision would after one week. My bottom part of my peni...
Dujnr profile image

Sensitivity post adult circumcision. Help?

14 days post circumcision and some stitches are coming out. Penis head sensitivi...
Hazerdus profile image

Frenulum Swelling 4 Weeks Post Op

I still have a lot of swelling in my frenulum area where the frenulum was remove...
Dhhdjxhhd profile image

Pee burning

I am having a pee burning for more than one year only when i pee. I also found w...
Vikish profile image

Very swollen between stitches, 72h post-op

It is almost 72h from my circumcision, I had BXO and this was what my doc recomm...
catlover212 profile image

Bumps and itching after zsr circumcision

It's been nearly 4weeks the ring came off and there is swelling which gets itchi...
Vickyrao profile image

Circumcision swelling after 1 month

Hello People, I've seen your pics about circumcision, I had my on June 3, it's b...
ironfist327 profile image

Zsr pin not falling off

I have also zsr circumcision. The silicone ring and pins has come off. But it t...
Prasan profile image

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