ZSR Circumsison ring removal in 8 days - Men's Health Foru...

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ZSR Circumsison ring removal in 8 days

Lifeishard8 profile image
2 Replies

I had zsr circumsison 8 days ago. Today on the 9th day there was some bleeding so the doctor removed the silicon ring and staples with his tools. It hurt like crazy! Like insane pain! Now a dressing has been applied which I have to change for 4 days. My question is will this premature removal of silicone ring harm me in any way?

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2 Replies
S2BC profile image

What I have read. The idea of silicone ring on ZSR-stapler circumcision is to reduce bleeding right after the operation. It may help staples to loosen if the ring is still on then.

You can support weak wound edges by using strips of surgical tape like 'Micropore'. Apply some petroleum jelly on to incision line or put strip of paraffin gauze like 'Jelonet'. They both prevent a gauze stick in to wound discharge.




Hi man! Today is my 11th day. My silicon ring started to come off from the 9th day, and by today morning, around 90% of the ring was out. The doctor pulled out the remaining. He said there was nothing to worry about it. No bleeding is there now, although there is some amount of swelling which he told me will take another 10 days to go away.

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