Hi, Its been more than a week since my circumcision but i feel, most of the stitches are gone, but due to regular unwanted erections i feel that the foreskin and head of the penis is retracting ( There is a little gap between the head and foreskin but it also feels attached ) im scared is this normal? or should the head and foreskin be joined by now?.... or will it join with time? Please let me know Thankyou!!
10 Days Post Circumcision, stitches h... - Men's Health Foru...
10 Days Post Circumcision, stitches have become loose due to erections. Scared :/

Hey brother,I do not think it is because of erections. I think after a week they do get a bit loose if your Doctor did not use glue on top of them. I personally think that as long as you do not have an open incision you are fine. And yes, there will be a gap in between the head and whatever is left of your foreskin. The main thing here is to leave it alone for weeks. The mental part is probably the toughest of the whole procedure. I hope you heal soon brother. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I am 2 months post op now...
Hey Brother, yes i did reach out to a Dr and he said the exact same that it gets lose after the stitches dissolve and it's not caused because of erections, yes the mental part is definitely the toughest but, your comment and the Dr. Advice did help me out! Thankyou
hey bro. Good to know. I'm 6 days post-op and getting crazy number of erections.